Your EQs and Reverbs


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

I just wanted to know which EQ you have been used to live with, for any reason. Idem for reverbs. I precise, VST :)

Cause I've been usind a lot Flux Epure, that I think is a good EQ and not too expensive. But I'm thiking of Oxford EQ.

Is is also true that all cheap EQ does the same job ? I mean I've tried some comparison, and all cheap or free EQ just seemed to do the same (bad, really bad) job as the integrated one of Cubase (now I use Reaper a lot). It seemed to me only Epure was a little bit over, better lows, and not that "dioouuung" effect on drums and hihat for extreme EQing. So why to use bad EQ instead of the basic one ?

For reverbs I'm using a lot Lexicon Pantheon reverbe, I like the Lexicon reverbs but I may find interesting of knowing what other ones you would like.
My favorite native VST-EQ is currently Stillwell's VibeEQ ($39,-! This one is cheap but does a GREAAAAT job and is on par with much pricier stuff). It is super smooth on the highs and adds some nice little grind to the signal, if you drive it. Very musical, definitely has mojo. For transparent EQ, I guess you cannot go wrong with the Sonnox stuff, althoug I do not have them.
For non-convolution-reverb, I like IK Multimedia's Classik Studio Reverb CSR. Not as good as UA's Plate 140, but very cheap (got it in a bundle with TRacks 3 Standard for €99,-) and sounds pretty good.
Yeah I do agree Stillwell plugins are cheap but sound good, I do use the Transient Monster a lot. I have this EQ in the evaluation version. I'll give it a try. I remember their plugins are not easy to use for me because of that musicality they bring, and I'm used to neutral plugins.

I didnt know the IK CSR one. I'll try to demo it if possible, I have some reverbs but the often put too much color in it so I'm searching a neutral one. I can use impulses thought but I'm sure I can find good plugins.
I remember their plugins are not easy to use for me because of that musicality they bring, and I'm used to neutral plugins.
I have some reverbs but the often put too much color in it so I'm searching a neutral one.
If you're looking for ransparent and quality stuff, I would really try the Sonnox plugins. AFAIK their compressor/eq/reverb-stuff is top notch and very transparent. You can get 15 day demos at their website, but you'll need an iLok to run them.
A friend showed me his sonnox dynamic plugin. I found it awesome, I could clearly hear the impact of the attack/release section. It's an expensive bunch of plugs but they are awesome, I may buy them one day.
I don't know much about "transparent" EQs and compressors, because I am very much into the "colored" stuff recently (Pultecs, 1176s, Stillwell's stuff and the like). To my knowledge, on the "cheap" side there are the stock plugins that come bundled with each and every DAW (from Logic to Reaper, you get EQs and Compressors that will do their job). These are usually more on the transparent than on the colored (as long as their do not totally suck) side. If you want to upgrade from there, the Sonnox plugins are IMHO the goal to reach for, but they will set you at least €700 back (Mix Essentials bundle incl. EQ/Dyn/Reverb).
Until I moved to ProTools, I used my UAD-1s extensively. This might be an option, too. You get top notch plugins for a rather fair price (UAD-1 cards are dead cheap on eBay, after the UAD-2 came out), from transparent (Cambridge EQ, Precision Series) to bigtime-mojo (LA-2A, 1176, Pultec, Neve/dbx/Roland emulations, etc.).
Sonnox kick arse for transparency. Really been getting on them lately.

Waves SSL and API for vibe and colour. I use the SSL channel on almost every track.

For verbs I've been using mainly convolution lately because I'm sick of the ITB algo verb sound. I'm starting to feel that I'm going to grab a lexi or bricasti at some stage just because I'm never happy with the ITB verbs, and most people here know what I think of convolution...

Btw I've heard Nebula does EQs really well apparently. Shit GUI, CPU intensive and one band per instance makes it pretty useless to me though.
Ermz about the SSL channel you mean you use also the dynamics stage of the channel ? I don't have it either, it's expensive and I have priorities but I only hear good about it. And yeah I think one day when possible I'll take a lexi, I like their sound a lot. I have tried nebula but yeah it's not a good tool for workflow. Convolution can make good things but it's not pleasant to use.

Btw, I can't use roomworks I'm staying on Reaper for the moment and I only have SX3.
Yeah I use the compressor quite often on the SSL Channel. It's just a great tool for workflow. I mean it's not the most flexible comp in the world, but it's there on the same window with your EQ and filters. Working in Cubase, you need all the workflow enhancements you can get.
Yeah I use the compressor quite often on the SSL Channel. It's just a great tool for workflow. I mean it's not the most flexible comp in the world, but it's there on the same window with your EQ and filters. Working in Cubase, you need all the workflow enhancements you can get.

i am confused by you, do you use cubase or protools? because you bash nuendo a lot
Yeah I see. For me workflow is important. I mean, if I had the choice between 2 Eq, one with tons of tweaking options, and the same simplified good looking and easy to use, the second would be better because of workflow.

Btw, I didnt know the Classik Studio Verb

Hey Joey, I remember you with your crazy autotune-o-singing with Party Girl if my memory is still good :)
Sorry, didn't notice the reply, yeah Roomworks is FUCKING AWESOME. Included with Cubase and Nuendo.
Well, I think it's awesome anyways ._.
for some reason roomworks is left out on OS X. its rather annoying. i feel like installing windows XP again just so i can run more plugins.

i like the electri-Q eq plugin. really flexable, and has some presets if you're into that sort of thing. has a free version too!

i'm starting to get into convolution reverb, although i haven't actually used it yet.. again, lack of free IR loaders in OS X.. *sigh*..

For EQ I always use Sonalksys EQ, always. In terms of Verb, Freeverb is good for snares mainly, not so great for anything else in what I've tried. Trueverb by waves is pretty good too