Your Fave Old School Preamp - Pre 1992


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
I was cruising around on ebay today bored out of my mind looking for SOMETHING TO SPEND MONEY ON !!!!!

I came across some old preamps and wanted to get some opinons on them...

ADA MP1 - I loved my old one, Thinking about getting another

Digitech GSP 21 - Some crappy presets, but not bad for an all digital box IMHO

Digitech 2101 - Ummmm Anyone here a rocket Scientist ???

Tone Labs - Blue Tube

Crate (white face) Tube Preamp - Its a crate what do you expect

Out of those the MP1 was my fave....

What preamps have you guys used or still use made before 92'

Da Fukn Guru
i used to have a Tom Schulz Rockman, does that count?.. lol

and then there was this gray half rack space Boss thing....

HA HA HA HA .... dude the ROCKMAN ruled in like 81' LMAOOOOOO

But yea man im trying to remember the name of that Boss preamp now ... I do remember it though.

It was the one in the guitar mags with all the Musical Notes looking all phhotoshopped and shit wasnt it ?

Da Fukn Guru
Flat Fifth Fury said:
How about the great Mesa/Boggie Quad? Two complete Mark II/III preamps in a 3 rack space package complete with EQ and reverb!

Hands down my favorite one. Those things sound amazing. The Mesa Studio Preamp's are pretty good too. Aside from those, I would go with an ADA MP-1 Preamp.
I don't know than they all are produced but I own/owned a Marshall JMP1 (owned), ADA MP1 3 Tube Mod, Kitty Hawk Quattro and a Digitech 2101, the ADA sounded not bad but I liked it way more with an BBE Sonic Maximizer in the effect loop, the last one I bought was the 2101 and everytime than I am playing this preamp I think "wtf, this thing owns all".
I also own a Line6 POD I and a Behringer Bass V-Amp but both only for practising.
I also liked the Mesa Studio Preamp very much, I had one here for something about a month and had an EQ in front to boost it a bit and it was very nice to play Metallica through it ;)
I would like to have one of these Lee Jackson Preamps Zakk Wylde used some years ago, but try to get one of these in Germany.
The next problem is the money, I will sell the ADA Preamp, the Kitty Hawk and the Line6 POD because I'am 18 and need some money for a car.

@Forbiddenevil, the Kitty Hawk Preamp with 4 Channels but only 2 EQs and one Output is the Quattro, the same that I own
this one, sounds not bad but high output humbuckers are the best way to go with it, very good for opeth style rhythm sounds imho.
Sorry for the mistakes, I am way to tired and to drunken
The Peavey Rockmaster was a monster in the late 80's/early 90's. My favorite preamp that I wish that I didn't sell was the Rocktron Pro Gap Ultra. That thing kicked major ass back in the day!
James Murphy said:
i used to have a Tom Schulz Rockman, does that count?.. lol

and then there was this gray half rack space Boss thing....


The other guitarist in my band had somehow managed to acquire all six of those Boss modules by the time I joined the band and still used them -- three years ago!

Funny thing is, I saw the band live a few times before I joined and I thought his tone was really good. Go figure. Now he has a tube amp and stopboxes like a good little boy.

I still have my trusty old
BOSS ME-10 rotting in the garage somewhere.

I totally agree with the ADA MP-1 and the Peavey Rockmaster. :rock:

I'm gonna go retro and build me up a 12-space rack now.
God dude when i was n my 1st band i had a 12 space full of bullshit i never neeeded

The ADA which i did need
A Microverb
A Quadraverb
Nady Wireless of course i used it
Peavey Power amp 4 space bastard that weighed a good $150 pounds

I HATED lugging that thing around ....

Got rid of it about 96 and went to a Randall RG100 That i LOVED ... unfortunately it got stolen :(

Da Fukn Guru
StefTD said:
@Forbiddenevil, the Kitty Hawk Preamp with 4 Channels but only 2 EQs and one Output is the Quattro, the same that I own
this one, sounds not bad but high output humbuckers are the best way to go with it, very good for opeth style rhythm sounds imho.
Sorry for the mistakes, I am way to tired and to drunken

Yes, that is the pre-amp. Bought it years ago on ebay for 30 Euro.
mp-1 was "the shit" back in the day.I had that an alesis quad and a mesa 295 poweramp-Tone from hell.I wonder if the mp-1 can still "cut it" in today's music?