Your favorite actors?

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Who are your favorite actors? I have a few that I really like and more than likely go out of my way to see their films.

Johnny Depp
Ed Norton
Tom Cruise

Are probably my top 3. They all have a knack for picking interesting roles (particulaly Norton and Depp), and are all great actors.

Johnny Depp has really grown on me recently. I have always liked him as an actor, but only in the past year or so have I really started watching alot of his movies. Last weekend I watched Blow and Secret Window.. I liked both of them.. Although Secret Window kinda bombed did it not? I thought it was entertaining, and he was once again great in it. Might have to go and see Finding Neverland soon.

Brad Pitt is another of my favorites.
Robert Deniro
Al Pacino
Sean Connery

I dont watch movies because of particular actors though, I watch them if they sound interesting, but id say those three are the best actors I can think of at the moment.
Very few surprises here:

Angelina Jolie (yes she's made some crap but her siren-like beauty draws me in every time)

Clive Owen (pure class)

Judi Dench (ditto. Wish I could see her on the stage though)

Harrison Ford (has made some dodgy choices in the last few years, but always gives a good performance)

Stephen Fry (sexual preference aside, I want to be just like him when I grow up)

Johnny Depp (pure coincidence here. He turns up in quite a few of the sort of films I most like to watch)

Bruce Campbell (nuff said)

George Clooney - a frickin' legend

Johnny Depp - been a favourite of mine for several years

Billy Bob Thornton - top bloke

Then the oldies from the 70s like De Niro, Pacino, Nicholson and the like. But those top three are my faves. And then there are all the dead dudes who ruled, like James Stewart and Humphrey Bogart and Laurence Olivier and Paul Muni (even though I only saw him in one movie) and all them.
Harry Dean Stanton
Robert Patrick
Edward Furlong

^ 3 of the best actors I've seen. Especially HDS and RP. Robert Patrick is so under-rated it's not funny. He's also very versatile. From T2, to Zero Tolerance, to Striptease... he's just brilliant. And Harry Dean Stanton is the epitome of cool.

I also like Arnie. Not necessarily for his acting, but because every action movie he's in has a really clever script. (Usually... and if they don't they're top notch fun movies)
hmm hard question but the first guy who springs to mind for whatever reason I shall mention because I cannot be bothered thinking about the question, is Matthew MacFadyen, english actor, mostly tv. Has been in Perfect Strangers and Spooks, a few others and the movie Enigma.
I don't really have favs, but if I had to say someone I would say Mark Wahlberg, Ed Norton, Brad Pitt, and Johnny Depp, they are great.

Tom Cruise is a strange one, I don't think he is that great an actor, but he is in a lot of great films.

Sean Connery at his best is awesome, as with Harrison Ford. They were great together in Indy.

I really enjoy Arnie films too.
Tom Cruise is a fantastic actor, but he doesn't show it often enough. He was great in Born on the Fourth of July and Magnolia, and has excelled in Rain Man, Jerry Maguire and more recently in the terrific Collateral.
Ben Masters.

Cold Ethyl said:
Gene Wilder
Richard Pryor
(Stir Crazy and See No Evil, Hear No Evil ? Best tag team acting EVER!)

John Cusack
Eddie Murphy
Sylvester Stallone


Hell, John Hughes is the master of the stereotype, as if he wouldn't cast someone awesome to play the role.

Bit of Trivia: Anthony Michael Hall was asked to play the nerd yet again in Pretty in Pink, Hughes third high school teen comedy drama, but turned it down due to not wanting to be known as The Nerd forever. I don't think he could've touched Jon Cryer's performance anyway, even if he was a fucking KING in Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club.