2 movies I watched on the weekend

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Zoolander - I thought it was silly and crap at first, but with time I realised it is real similar to Spinal Tap. A massive piss take on the modelling world. Ben Stiller is a fuckin crack up. I rate his sense of humour alot. Owen Wilson was pretty funny too. I wouldnt mind seeing Starsky and Hutch after this one. I forgot that these 2 were together in Meet the Parents as well, which I reckon is piss funny.
The 'walk off' in Zoolander was a crack up. As was the extra features on the DVD. There was an extended interview with Derek Zoolander where he talks about his 'looks' and the pressures of being really really really good looking. There is also a cheesy commercial for the Derek Zoolander School for really really good looking people. Fuckin funny as.

25th Hour - I really liked this Spike Lee film. Was made just after 11 Sept and there is a few references. There is one scene that takes place at ground zero. A Great story and whilst there was hardly any action, it kept me hooked throughout. I loved the story and found it pretty moving. The dialogue was brilliant, as were the performances of the actors. Edward Norton is one of my favorites. Like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, Norton chooses really intersting roles to play, and he is a damn fine actor. That dude from Almost Famous was great in the movie, as was the dude from The Green Mile. Also the guy who played Nortons dad was brilliant. If you havnt seen it, I really reccomend it. The scene where Norton is looking in the mirror and saying stuff like 'Fuck the Asians.. Been here for over 10 years and still cant speak the language... Fuck the Indian cab drivers... stench seeping out from their pores... Fuck Osama Bin Laden' etc was pretty weird. It sorta came from nowhere.
My little sister's friends says it's pretty good. :) I would like to see it too.

Those two movies Sprucey mentioned sound worth checking out too. Still need to see American History X.....