Your favorite cheapass hardware compressors

I REALLY like the DBX160xt. Use it all the time live and it's the piece of outboard that sees the most use when I'm recording. I usually use it on bass on the way in and sometimes on vocals. I usually use it on snare when mxing then.
I've the RNC and I like it but it's a bit boring on some stuff- I'm not crazy about it on bass and vocals. I like it on the drum bus for some compression without messing too much with the sound of the drums, just regns them in a bit.
Got a cheap LA Audio 4x4 which has 2 gates and 2 comps. The comps are nice but a little tricky to dial in. They seem to be nice on drums but I've not messed with them all that much to be honest.
Love my fmr RNLA, like my fmr RNC and I dig the shit out of the two together for staged compression. Planing to get a dbx163 and maybe a fmr PBC soon.
I have a DBX 164 and so far it sounds epic on vocals and really brings the sustain out on drums...didn't dig it on the bass' low end content as it pumps like a bitch!
FMR RNC is ok. Someone said they didn't like it on vocals but I love it on vocals and it seems to work well on the drum buss as mentioned.

No one's mentioned the Art VLA compressor? Once you replace the tubes, it works surprisingly well when you're looking for... well, an opto compressor. I like it on vocals and the 2buss
I have 3 Ashly SC-50's that I can't live without. Just something about the low mids on the sucker slays on drums.