Your Favorite DAW Tips and Tricks


Oct 26, 2009
Looked around the forum and didn't see anything for this.

What are some of your favorite tips and tricks with your selected DAW? For instance, my favorite thing in Reaper is tab-to-transient!

This thread could be very helpful if the obvious is not stated. My favorite DAW is cubase and I would like to learn some tricks you guys use to speed up your workflow
Shortcut "e" for opening the edit-window^^.
Work with the maximized version(visible inserts or sends) of the mixer, also super easy to copy plugins with drag and drop.

I use Cubase and have done since SX 1.

Setting up short cut keys of the most used features.

I have things like:
F = fade out
D = Drumagogg
` = insert silence
alt B = bounce
G = gain

All my editing tools etc. This has speed up my editing, sample replacement and general cleaning up 10 x faster at least.
Cubase on Mac, most of these, if not all of them, are custom key commands and not default:

cmd+shift+B = bounce (consolidate)
cmd+shift+I = insert bars
cmd+option+cntrl+T = new audio track
cmd+option+cntrl+M = new MIDI track
cmd+option+cntrl+G = new group track
cmd+shift+E = export audio mixdown
cmd+shift+V = fixed velocity (select a bunch of MIDI hits you want to be the same velocity, set a velocity up top and use this command to set them all to it)
cmd+shift+L = fixed lengths (usually for TRIGGER generated MIDI, select all MIDI hits and set quantize to 1/32, use this command and it makes them all the same length)
cmd+shift+R = return to start position on stop, toggles on/off (REALLLLLY HANDY)

Also, I don't know what Turn PreCount on/off is by default but I have it set as "=" on the numpad. Easier since * (record) and / (loop) are right there as well as + and - for fast forward and rewind.

F - I wouldn't change that to fade out... instead set auto-fades so your events always have a fade in/out without you having to do anything. Follow is a useful thing to turn on/off easily with F by default.

Of course setting option as Split and option+cmd as Slip on the tool modifiers for the select tool for slip editing.

I think that's it... may be other things I use but aren't coming to mind.
F - I wouldn't change that to fade out... instead set auto-fades so your events always have a fade in/out without you having to do anything. Follow is a useful thing to turn on/off easily with F by default.

I have my auto fades set up as described in your video M8 (thanks for that BTW!)
I have it set to fade out for when I am printing my samples so I can manually gate them as I go. I do this manually for every sample track so it saves a lot of time in the long run believe me. This is also why I have Drumagogg set to 'D'. I can select a small potion of say, the snare trigger in the editor window, hit D and up pops Drumagogg, apply sample, done. I do this to isolate the parts with different velocities so I don't have any false or mis triggers any where and this means no Drumagogg's running in real time, saving CPU.
Ah, interesting. If it works it works :)

Plankis, that is a great macro, might have to try that one out actually.
My workflow speeded up immensely when I got a decent mouse (logitech mx518) and assigned shortcuts to the extra buttons.

Clicking the scroll wheel changes between the mix and edit windows.
Clicking the button on top zooms out to view the whole session in the edit window.
One of the side buttons selects the smart tool.
The other side button selects the zoom tool.
Various macros
ctrl+D for duplicate
hotkey to toggle "return to start position on stop"
f to toggle autoscroll
numpad: *, -, + for transport controls

I'll add more later, I'm working atm.
Might sound silly, but I like my meters to be in "Fat" mode in PT. Do this by holding down control, option, and command, and then clicking on the meter. (mac)

One that I see A LOT of experienced engineers not use in Pro Tools: R and T to zoom in and out. So much faster than going up to the tool bar and clicking on the zoom thingies.

Also: Option - 1 on the number pad, brings up time operations, so you can change the click to 1/8 or 1/16th notes.
escape +1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
hold command and mark everything you want to copy or delete
Cut everything first, then mark everything go up to the left window and type in fade-in and out numbers.

press escape to close plugin windows.
Touch something with the mouse, and you can move it now with the arrow keys.

press a for automation

press f for flex view

slip-edit in flex mode.

command+alt with the arrows to resize your view.
command+alt mouse weel for super fast zoom ins.
Yup, R+T for zoom in reaper too! Love it.. Or Click the scroll wheel on the mouse the scroll vertical OR horizontal.