Your Favorite Underground Bands


Proceed to Ultraslamming
Feb 10, 2006
Toronto ON
I've been searching myspace recently and have found a few good brutal death ones.

Infected Malignity
Waking the Cadaver
Digested Flesh

Check them out and give some of your favorites from the metal underground :kickass: :kickass:
pffffft, i once recieved a personal letter from lead vocalist Yutghoerpharduwv sent all the way from outer Mongolia (from whence their horde hails), and he expressed his svpreme dissatisfaction with that demo.

you must get their 4th demo, "taking the virgin mary to Mcdonalds then date raping her".
Teh Grimarse said:
pffffft, i once recieved a personal letter from lead vocalist Yutghoerpharduwv sent all the way from outer Mongolia (from whence their horde hails), and he expressed his svpreme dissatisfaction with that demo.

you must get their 4th demo, "taking the virgin mary to Mcdonalds then date raping her".
Pretty overrated if you ask me, they went too Gothenburg after the 3rd.
I'm really into Mahavatar at the moment. It's hard to place their music in a specific genre because it's completely mixed and it's this really unique sound. It's an Israelian girl singing and a Jamaican girl playing the guitar! But they're NOT a "chick band"...

anyways, have a listen yourselves:
I don't think I liked any of those myspace bands...i hope they stay underground.
actually, the folkearth wasn't bad.
I don't have any underground bands cause I'm too busy listening to cult-classics and
bigger name artists. there's just too much metal and too little time.
audiophileguy said:
I don't think I liked any of those myspace bands...i hope they stay underground.
actually, the folkearth wasn't bad.
I don't have any underground bands cause I'm too busy listening to cult-classics and
bigger name artists. there's just too much metal and too little time.
You don't like metal if you didn't like Vindicator or Harbinger.

Some more cool underground bands:
Death Beast