Your favorite WoY line.

"The sun was in my eyes, it blackened my sight"
I love the use of the sun metaphor - where normally the sun is 'sheddling light on etc' in this use it's concealing what is real.

Also love the delivery of
"My moment of peace was just the eye....OF THE STOOOORM!!"
Great example of the lyrical concept, vocal delivery, and music all rolling into one :)
Satisfaction is a peak on the verge of decline
It will be over in the blink of an eye
Take your time to feel every moment
A gradual climb will let you enjoy it

For your life is measured
By the degree of dynamic from your life to your death
The wait is long and the wait goes on
But it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive

It is our pathetic moments
Which make us desire to be great

you'd know eh? :loco: good to see you here duder!

today my favourite lyrics are two verses from 'Shedding the Deadwood':

I can't use it to build a home
it will not fulfill my desires
Some wood can be used to help build a life
This wood will be used for building a fire
I’d give up all that I started
To pursue all that I wanted
I may arrive empty handed
But at least I will arrive

I can so goddamn identify with these lyrics so much more now than when this came out! Scary thing is I think I knew it was gonna happen
This thread is so fucking hard. The lyrics are all top notch.

I like the second verse you posted alot as well, Demilich.
I wouldn't miss it for the world
With that having been said
Could you be careful with your words,
Because my world is in your hands
It was a year ago today
I put a desperate man to death
He was the man I used to be
He trusted every word you said

I feel like a fist is squeezing my heart whenever I hear these words, the fact that I was going through a breakdown in my relationship when I first heard this really made them powerful words to me ... this whole song is incredible.

I also really like the "reach out for the cold upper hand" part.
well Chester, I'm going through a breakdown in my first and only relationship right now (lasted almost 4 years, since I was 17) and those words do hit close to home. I'm gonna pull out both versions of Against the Seasons today and give 'em a spin. Dave's lyrics are perfect for times like this.

Ghost of Summer's Past is another track that's gonna be a bitch to listen to in this respect... the lyrics will hit close to home!
Sorry to hear that.... Dave's lyrics are excellent for introspection but never underestimate the power of Cannibal Corpse for the angry moments ;)
Best wishes to you

ahahaha i first read the lyrics to that song (after seeing CC in ace ventura) when i was like, 11, and i thought they were unbelievable! :lol:
From a recent review of the "Against the Seasons" remaster in the "LotFP" zine (Finland), the author writes:

"Lyrically, the album stays away from any cliches that may be suspected of a near-black metal band. No Satan, no blood, no violence, no racism, no garbage. No garbage at all* (*that was my favourite line - DG). Just some real metal music with emotional content."

This observation, I really appreciated. :kickass:

+ This was in a Finnish metal magazine, and I like anything to do with Finland. :) So, extra points!!!!
"The Allure of the Earth
When the urges aren't worth fighting
The temptations on the great beyond
Become so exciting"


"A moment of euphoria
Inspired by a photograph from that summer
I remember how we hated everything
And in that we managed to find comfort in each other"
i have a question about allure of the earth.. is it about suicide? haha, FORGIVE ME FOR LOOKING AT THE LYRICS AT FACE VALUE, i've never been great with meanings and all that. actually, someone tell me exactly what the song is about if i'm wrong! :p