Your favourite beer


Jan 16, 2008
I just wanted to ask if there were any beer lovers here. So what kind of beers do you like? And more specifically, WHAT is your favourite beer? I myself like all types of beers but most of all I'm a huge fan of India Pale Ales, the crispy fresh taste of all the hops and malts just give me the chills :D

Mikkellers Tomahawk IPA is one of my favourite beers and of course Smörre IPA from Finland (has rye malts, oh the unique taste).
I can't really say that I like beer. Even two sips the expensive micro brew stuff that I have tried makes me want to puke. Of course, just the taste of other alcohol like rum, gin, whiskey etc. actually does make me puke. Instantly - even when watered down with coke or Sprite.
I'm a lot like the most interesting man in the world, in that I'm not a huge beer drinker...

But lately I really dig UFO for a mainstream brew, and Arrogant Bastard.
The best I've ever tasted (I haven't tasted THAT much so far, I'm only 20!) is a ESB from a local microbrewery called 'La voie maltée'.

My favorite brand that you can buy at the market is St-Ambroise's Griffon Rousse (a red ale). I pretty much only drink ales, and mostly red.

For mainstream beers, Molson Ex ain't so bad. It's the only one actually tasting something.
darker beer is better for me, thats all I know. Im not crazy about regular beer, the average run of the mill stuff. Like Noble for years I could never stand the taste of it, it would have to be a hot day after a longs hard days work and after the second beer, then I was happy.

But anybody should be able to drink Vodka and juice, I had to give it up, stomach was not agreeing plus I get really blasted, I'd have the third drink gone before the second kicked in and Im talking large glasses with about 3-5 shots each... YIKES ! Not whats commonly refered to as responsible drinking. Twice last summer I was convinced I was going to die... LOL
Hoppy: Pliny the Elder, Arrogant Bastard, Ruination IPA, Racer 5, Hop Rod Rye

Belgian or Belgian-inspired: St. Bernardus 12, Rochefort 10, Chimay Blue, Brother Thelonius, Brother Dave, Avery Salvation

Stout/Porter: Worldwide Stout, Ska Steeltoe Stout, Stone Smoked Porter, Stone Russian Imperial Stout, Goose Island Bourbon County

Others: Midas Touch, Stone Vertical Epic Series, Stone 9th Anniversary, Franziskaner, Optimator
I don't like beer and rarely use alcohol, but when I do it's only liquor. Strangely, I also seem to have good resistance to alcohol. I never actually puked from drinking even when my company does. :p fitting that this should be my 1000th post on here(it only took damn near exactly 8 years to the day). What does it say below my username? LOL

We carouse and we LOVE beer.

My all time favorite would be Sleeman Cream Ale brewed in Guelph, Ontario(Canada). Can't exactly get it here in the US, which is a fucking criminal shame.

Others I really enjoy:

John Smith's Extra Smooth(England)
Heineken(of course)
Molson Black Ice
Hobgoblin English Ale
St. Pauli Girl(preferably dark but I don't really care)
Abita Amber(New Orleans)
Abita Purple Haze(now I fucking hate fruity beer[same with fruity pizza], but I really like this stuff)
Dos Equis Amber(goes great with and IN my tacos)
St. Peters(England)
Kingfisher(India- NOT the ones brewed in the US)
Tsing Tao(China)
And good ol' Newcie Brown(that's Newcastle for the kiddies) :Smokedev:
Hi Beelz! Where ya been hiding?

I'm not a huge beer snob, but I am snobby enough that there isn't much domestic swill that I will drink. My favorite common beer is Newcastle Ale.....