Your favourite piece of Maiden artwork?


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Mine is the one inside Seventh Son of A Seventh Son, where Eddie is sitting at a table writing with a quill pen and looking at a globe that represents the three worlds of heaven, earth and hell.

Now if I could only find it on a T-shirt...

Powerslave cover! :headbang: Egyptian stuff rules! (Except for Nile :) )
Ooh and the Somewhere In Time cover!
Some of the Artwork in the Bsey of the Beast package i think its an Auusie Tour Shirt or Poster Eddie got an Axe (oh how orginal) a slough hat on & a heap of dead Roos behind him........... now if I could find that on a T=Shirt........
if I'm not mistaken you can make your own Tshirts at

My fav Maidenart is Somewhere in Time! It's so fun to look for all details referring to Iron Maiden.... maybe we should open a thread about that, what did you found on the SIT-cover that's referring in some way to Maiden.... ah well :D
I also like the Best of the Beastcover :eek: