Your go-to VSTs for Rhythm and Lead Guitars?


just a nickname
Oct 29, 2010
just been wondering what your go-to VSTs are for rhythm and lead guitars...
I personally have sticked to the tse x30 for all of my rhythms (even with the tse x50 being released, which is great). It just nails nasty gnarly rhythm tones very well.

For leads I've been using guitar rig 3 (yeah, unusual but it works).

So what do you guys do if recording with VSTs?
Mainly the TSE X50, the Poulin Le456, and the Nick Crow 7170 and 8505 amp sims. I usually end up boosting the amp with a Tubescreamer sim (even with VSTs, it works!). Usually ends up being BTE Audio's TS' Secret.
Almost always used LeCto and x50, until recently when The Anvil was released, now I hardly use anything else.
mostly X50 (natch) for rhythmns and leads, Lextac for cleans and i dug out softube metal amp room recently and was pleasantly surprised.. obviously finding the right combination of IRs play a a large part (gods cab are great for mixing and matching imo)
TSE 808 for tubescreamer duties.... and i recently started messing with the rangebastard ;);)
Depending on my mood and on the DI's.
But mostly (in that order) X50, SoloC, Lecto & Marshall sims of AT3.
Also liked the anvil plugin when I tried it, mainly the rhythm channel.
I like LeGion, but for some reason I dont use it too often.
Used Le456 at the beginning, then started to dislike it...have to check it out again.
The X30, Nick Crow 7170 and 8505 don't work for me for some reason...never got sounds that I liked out of them.
Not a huge fan of LeXtac too

Tse808 as boost, exept when working with AT3 then I use the one that comes with it.
Thank you for introducing me to The Anvil, the release of this magnificent vst totally eluded me, i gave it a quick run and i am very impressed, sounds great for everything where the X50 is too harsh (5150 without tons of presence sounds like crap to my ears)
Guess im weird but I still like the sound of SoloC and the 8505 better than the lecto and x50 and all that jazz
TSE808, X30, keFir. LeCab2 is very nice but crashes Cubase if you move the project to a computer that doesnt have the impulses in the same folder.