necessary plugins/vsts efx used for guitar/drums/bass?


Dec 29, 2011
I have some questions .. what plugins/vsts(efx) do you guys use for your

1) rythmn guitar tracks( is it better to do them dry and add reverb in the master track)
2) lead guitar tracks( delay?)
3) clean guitar tracks(compressor/chorus/delay)
4) bass track ( pitch shifter/ compressor)-- i don't have a bass.. so i try with a pitch shifter(down an octave)--tse BOD---compressor to simulate a bass sound.
5) drum track (compressor?)
6) master track ( reverb/eq?)

i am using reaper and amp plugins.. so feel free to let me know what are
some useful/necessary efx plugins for each individual track.
ok.. but since i'm using plugins/vsts.. that takes/eats alot of CPU?
any downside to adding too many plugins/vsts/effx etc?
Is it better to keep things simple?
Basically you want to get to where you want to go in as few steps as possible. Plugins are used to enhance, not to fix or change a shitty source. You will come to realize that over doing it with fx will degrade the sound.
Basically you want to get to where you want to go in as few steps as possible. Plugins are used to enhance, not to fix or change a shitty source. You will come to realize that over doing it with fx will degrade the sound.

+1! Good mixing is more about good recording and good performances than turd-polishing. I'll take a brilliant performance recorded with bare-bones equipment over a shitty performance that's autotuned, grid-corrected, sample-replaced, and over-produced any day of the week.
Always keep it simple. BUT I find that on almost ALL of my mixes I will EQ and compress a little bit. That's it though.