your hottest ex ... pics

The myth: Asian women are uhh, smaller than other women in their ummm, special place.

My findings: The vast amount of Asian females I've scored with *cough*ONE*cough* this myth holds tight-- true, I mean. I'm sure the fact that she's 5'2" has nothing to do with it. :loco:
lurch, I've seen that ex-bird of yours lately -- he's working down the local pub these days. :loco: Just kidding, very nice. I assume she split once you told her about your manowar fetish.

NAD - that Asian chick is the ex? Did I miss something, 'cos I thought you were thinking about getting back together? Anyway, very sweet - 5ft 2"...5ft 10" in those chunky heels. Saucy bitch. :loco: Tacos, hehhehe...

I've had some good looking ex's - no pics though. Not sure if digital cameras were readily available before 97. Since then, I've been married to the most beautiful girl in the world and my love for her is like a truck!!!!1111 Yes, I am teh heavy metal bezerker! :loco:
IAmEternal said:
I wish I spoke latin.

I wish I spoke english :(

JayKeely said:
my love for her is like a truck!!!!1111 Yes, I am teh heavy metal bezerker!

Did he say 'making fuck'? :tickled:

On topic... well my ex is on TV all the time, and she's a postergirl for most of the local youth events. She's a dancer too. I'll pick up one of those posters I speak of on my next mission out of my room, and scan it for ya's.
JayKeeley said:
NAD - that Asian chick is the ex? Did I miss something, 'cos I thought you were thinking about getting back together?
Yeah, but that looks like it won't be happening now. She knows I want to get back together but she refuses to talk to me right now.
Anyway, very sweet - 5ft 2"...5ft 10" in those chunky heels.
Heehee, yeah days she wore those if we'd get down to business I'd ask her to leave those on. :Smokedev: That's what was so cool about her, one day she'd be dressed like that and the next she'd be in jeans and a t-shirt and we'd be hiking in the desert or offroading all day.
Since then, I've been married to the most beautiful girl in the world and my love for her is like a truck!!!!1111 Yes, I am teh heavy metal bezerker! :loco:
The first time you said WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MAKING FUCK, BERZERKER!!! she swooned, right? :loco:
One Inch Man said:
Yeah, but that looks like it won't be happening now. She knows I want to get back together but she refuses to talk to me right now.
Bitch. :tickled:

Heehee, yeah days she wore those if we'd get down to business I'd ask her to leave those on. :Smokedev:
Damn straight. Why would anyone want to ding some chick in bare feet? Unless of course she was the house slave of course. But seriously, leave the heels on for goodness sakes, I'm not interested in your bunions you dirty skank.

The first time you said WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MAKING FUCK, BERZERKER!!! she swooned, right? :loco:
Actually, she said, "I do". :tickled:

If I ever sang the "Bezerker" song to some chick and she had no idea what I was going on about, I'd have to ding it quick and just leave in disbelief.
that bitch left you again NAD ... damn .. no wonder the drinking threads were resurected.
no worries, when you come to NY (if you do) we'll hook you up with some ladies of the night.
Heh, nah I don't blame her. I'm a dick! :loco: I think she's waiting for me to get back from NYC, being afraid that if I don't get my single life's checklist over with I'm liable to leave her again. I dunno. I try not to think about it and let her do what she needs to do. :Spin:
Damn straight. Why would anyone want to ding some chick in bare feet? Unless of course she was the house slave of course. But seriously, leave the heels on for goodness sakes, I'm not interested in your bunions you dirty skank.
:lol: "Oh baby you so fine, I just wanna lick yo--PUT YOUR DAMN SHOES BACK ON, BIATCH!!!"
lurch70 said:
when you come to NY (if you do)
Flight and hotel are booked, I'll be there a week from today!
First time further east than Las Vegas! All my travelling has been in the states bordering California.
lurch70 said:
no wonder I can't find a good girfriend ... my visual standards are way out there :loco:
I have a friend that tags anything that moves, honestly I'm jealous of him because I'm too picky now. If I had no standards I'd get all kinds of pussy!

Concerning the 3 on the bike:
Austin Powers said:
Yes please!
yes, i am picky as fuck now also ... but not just for looks.

I am getting to old for this shit and really am ready to settle down, so I try not to waste time with chicks I can get nowhere with.
I've been with nine girls my entire life, and I have no regrets. Casual sex can never beat the sex you have with the girl you've been with for more than three or four months. And there's nothing wrong with being picky, because there's a lot of unworthy skanks out there, which should just stick with the moronic jocks and stuff (assuming stereotypes are correct), so that they can be unhappy together until the end of their days.