your mom's box


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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Aren't I on the mailing list or something?

I need updates for stuff life Kayo Dot, xfer seemingly ironic new sig, and jake's new smart, self awareness quote sig thing. things are weird.

It's 3:30 am here. I just bought my computer today.
The phone lines are so AIDS.

I've pretty much been getting drunk for the past too months.

I'm playing with my band Draconic alot, all around this extremely large country.

Alot of other bands and dudes playa hate on us because we play false black metal with blippy techno moments.

Here it's scene to be grim. I think it's because we share a border with Romania.

I have a picture somewhere of me on stage with black make up around my eyes like that gay dude in Placebo. I'l post it when I find it.
The picture is grim because I have a rash on my neck from switching to a different, muslim raping brand of razors to shave with.

I think I finally found a job. Working with Siemens and doing some kind of crap translation work for like instructional manuals for fire extinguisers and video cameras.

Whatever, I'mm hella broke and already borrowed $200 from my moms.

The Associated Press totally blew me off. Fuck those queer bates.

If this translation job pays shit I'm going to the American Embassy with my US passport and go all... "sup countrymen...find me a slammin job."

I'm sure other cool stuff happened. Maybe not.

this needs to be a post of updates....just like write whatever's been going on and I'll read it eventually, when I have money to pay for internet service.

fuck yeah....and stuff....send me the new record.


* My signature is part of an effort at detente with the Opeth-board types.

* My ex-girlfriend is moving in with a Serbian girl named Ivana (pronounced EE vuh nuh, not eye VAH nuh) and, since my ex's father is a Pakistani Muslim, I warned her against it and said that the Serbs I knew liked nothing better than sharpening their razors and eyeing Muslims greedily. But she wouldn't listen.

* Tzadik stuff. You know all about that now, right?

* Post your grim pix!

* I really really wanted to hire you for an extermination job during the worst of the Tard Roommate crisis some months back. But that's all resolved now.

* Ayatollah's in Iran, PREPPY IN VEGAS-ISTAN