Your next holidays

thats a deal comrade!

how much 'd be 1000 pieces of antimatter knickers cost me to make in the serbian dark factories? or urrr... you know any *easy* shops? ;)
siderea said:
thats a deal comrade!

how much 'd be 1000 pieces of antimatter knickers cost me to make in the serbian dark factories? or urrr... you know any *easy* shops? ;)

youd cum over here for a week or two and wed just steal berds knickers and write antimatter over them

few joints would help too ;)

early may, yeay!
horror horror, it is, Was running where I run to every yearm justhorror, laguna they wanna make, I saw dirt and machines where once was water, fuck once, allways was water and beauty, call to the rise of the Dharma bums so urgent.
I have read Kerouac and Ginsberg.

I don't like Jack Kerouac or Alan Ginsberg.. I find them regressive at best. Disturbingly ignorant at best of best. Followers and promoters of conformity of American thought in the guise of american rejection of american thinking conformity, that all that spells american pseudo-liberal-hypocrisy thought, is based on. The founders of new-age-ism. I abhor them both with an unrestrained passion. I.E. They disgust me no end. I would vomit all over their best duds and faces.

:Puke:<--- *vomit*