Your own band?

singer in the Darwin band Existence... influences are general death metal and general classic rock... though we dont realy sound like any other bands. we played to support The Butterfly Effect, who are a fairly big name over here in Australia. website has a poorly made flash audio sample, so dont stress if it doesnt work right away... the loading screen doesnt work

our new stuff is heaps better than our old stuff... but you'll just have to trust me on that, cos we arent recording any new materal for another 6 months
I have a number of projects going on. Always doing something musical! :)

There's my solo project, which is kind of like Opeth but a bit more atmospheric and less metal, it's recieved many good responses from members of this board in the past. I'll provide a tiny sample of the full song for a quick download to test it out, as well as the full version:

Infinite (sample - 240kb)
Infinite (full - 7mb)
More mp3s

Then there's my 2nd solo project album which will likely be called something different, it's an orchestrated thing...

tiny very early sample (200kb)

And then there's my band Unthroned, we've been described as many things, a bit of everything heavy.. black, melodic, clean sections, brutal sections... hmmm. Nothing available to download at the moment though.

(edit: oops, appears i linked to my website incorrectly!)