Your plans/wishes for 2006


child of sadness
Apr 2, 2005
Hello all of you orphaned friends around the world!

Did you already planed something or do you have some wishes and expectations to come true? You can share here not only this but also let your imagination free and tell what do you dream concerning the future.

My wishes: I would like to see the Orphaned family again- and that includes you geri!
My plans: I started my new job today and hope all will go well, me and Leandro want to make the OL fanclub even better than it is :) and last> I'm going to ProgPower in England:hotjump:
Same here, we were damn lucky this year for our kids fared good, we had almost good health, and we found lost and new members to our familly.
And lots of friends too.
We could just wish thise year we will manage to meet you all, and most of all that you will all fare well.
à +