your tax dollars at work...


Overly-Cryptic Jake
indieradioisdead: so
indieradioisdead: board is down
indieradioisdead: ...
indieradioisdead: and on my lunch break...
indieradioisdead: stupid board
indieradioisdead: i bet stupid people run it
indieradioisdead: cuz it's a stupid board
indieradioisdead: you know
indieradioisdead: anyway
ozmagreed: stupid people post on it, too
indieradioisdead: i know
indieradioisdead: i bet they are fat people
indieradioisdead: fat people are always stupid
indieradioisdead: and fat
indieradioisdead: and smelly
indieradioisdead: like... 'fat'
indieradioisdead: sometimes they smell like hot fat
indieradioisdead: that's bad
ozmagreed: well
ozmagreed: fat starts in your brain
ozmagreed: so fat people have fat brains
ozmagreed: slow, fat, inactive brains
indieradioisdead: which smell
ozmagreed: right
ozmagreed: brain stink is the worst
indieradioisdead: fat brain stink is worser
ozmagreed: sweaty brains
indieradioisdead: nothing is worse than a fat brain in a sauna...
ozmagreed: a fat brain with diarrhea
indieradioisdead: yea... that smells
indieradioisdead: or two fat brains having sex in an oven... that smells
ozmagreed: omg
ozmagreed: stop!
indieradioisdead: what... i'm just saying
indieradioisdead: ok... three fat brains humping on a hot tin roof...
indieradioisdead: that is as bad as it gets
indieradioisdead: no...
indieradioisdead: three fat brains humping a dead raccoon on hot sand...
ozmagreed: vomiting as they do it
indieradioisdead: oh yes... but it's cool because they are into that
indieradioisdead: and another fatter brain video tapes it for the web
ozmagreed: you are a sick poop head
indieradioisdead: YES... and they use poop as lube
indieradioisdead: they are also into cosplay
ozmagreed: *blocked*
indieradioisdead: crap
indieradioisdead: how do we errase this from our past alex?
ozmagreed: i just closed the IM window
ozmagreed: that did it
indieradioisdead: oh cool
indieradioisdead: wait... i'll post it so we know what NOT to talk about again
ozmagreed: asstard
indieradioisdead: what?
indieradioisdead: i just don't want this to happen again
ozmagreed: i just like calling u names
indieradioisdead: oh...
indieradioisdead: that's kinda fagish dood