Your vision of heaven on Earth?


Feb 3, 2007
Ontario, Canada
:) Here's an idea I think might be interesting, I hope it hasn't been done yet:
If Earth suddenly transformed into your vision of heaven, what would it be like?

I'll start with mine:

Everyone would each have some sort of high-tech memory controller. You could use it to make you forget anything, including but not limited to:
* what Evolution/The Grand Design, or any other awesome song, sounds like
* lyrics from simple-minded popular songs you heard too many times (i.e. things like "oh baby...we're gonna make it tonight")
* every Family Guy/Simpsons episode

But it wouldn't make you forget the fact that all those awesome songs are awesome and which Family Guy/Simpsons episodes are the most hilarious. That way you could listen/watch these things and experience an ear-related orgasm/laugh your ass off all over again.
Also, the previously mentioned pop songs and all evidence of their existence would be destroyed, including people's memories of them.

Another awesome thing: everyone's head will be altered in such a way that getting hit in the face would cause feelings more pleasurable than a sexual orgasm. As a consequence, punching/kicking/breaking a chair in someone's face would be considered a form of love by most cultures worldwide.

EDIT: I changed 'sign of respect' for 'form of love'. It's more appropriate, I think.

I can't think of anything else for now... so what's your vision of heaven?
You could use it to make you forget anything, including but not limited to:
* what Evolution/The Grand Design, or any other awesome song, sounds like
* lyrics from simple-minded popular songs you heard too many times (i.e. things like "oh baby...we're gonna make it tonight")
* every Family Guy/Simpsons episode

But it wouldn't make you forget the fact that all those awesome songs are awesome and which Family Guy/Simpsons episodes are the most hilarious. That way you could listen/watch these things and experience an ear-related orgasm/laugh your ass off all over again.
Also, the previously mentioned pop songs and all evidence of their existence would be destroyed, including people's memories of them.

Thats called Alzheimer's dude....
Okay, here goes. I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind but whatever.

* I have wizard like powers and tower called Isenthanc.
* I have instant access to music without having to download/purchase it.
* I havea shitload of money.
* The proof that god/heaven exists
* We are living in middle earth right now.
A complete inexistence of Techno, Dance and R'n'b as well...

Actually, maybe lets just limit the world to Metal and most of it's genres, Prog, some Rock, and Classical and Jazz, and any combination, but only these mentioned genres...






I'm not sure...but they all live on my street and want me bad...none of them are jealous or have their period.....ever.
Things are as good as they'll ever get IMO. The only things I'd change are small things.

- LAG Guitars and Caparison market in America
- More Prog Metal
- Less Pollution (my hippieness)
- Me being a better guitarist
- Me being a better student
- Me being far sexier than I am now.
- Me having a job.
- Me having better people skills
- Me having more friends and a life

Everything else pretty much is alright for me.
Ptah Khnemuwithadditionsbyyourgod said:
- Less Pollution (my hippieness)
- Me being a better drummer/organist
- Me being a better student
- Me getting accepted into my college of choice.

Fixed for me.
Because with no scene kids, we'd have nobody for us to make fun of for being emo. You have to think of it in terms of what you lose as well as what you gain.
Make drugs disappear
Have a cure for AIDS
Give me an Ibanez 8 string with an S-series body kthx
Some sort of studio, or just some place where I can record in solitude tbh
Teach more kids how to play instruments at an earlier age... ugh, I started bass at 12 and guitar at 15.
I would just like to see an end to war. It would be nice to wake up in the morning and not think about a mushroom cloud rising up in the sky line. I'm slightly paranoid I guess.
I change mine.
Once I have a 24 fret Ibanez S Prestige, then I shall be in heaven. At least until someone steals it.
Same things Tubbs wished

and in addition to that I want money and equipment I can leave to Mars and build my Dream Sequencer.
Things are as good as they'll ever get IMO. The only things I'd change are small things.

- LAG Guitars and Caparison market in America
- More Prog Metal
- Less Pollution (my hippieness)
- Me being a better guitarist

Those are excellent things, I also would have these things be true... Except replace America with Australia, America doesn't need those things... I do. :p

and in addition to that I want money and equipment I can leave to Mars and build my Dream Sequencer.

Yes, yes!!! A Dream Sequencer!!! :kickass: