Your way of changing strings

Dec 8, 2005
I thought it would be fun to start this thread. Post your way of changing strings. I turn my peg so it's horizontal - Then I feed the string through it, then take over about 45 degrees clockwised, then under the string, then over, then I hold the string down, then wind the peg.
i only change mine if they break first. and usually i bug one of my friends to do it for me otherwise it will most likely end with a puddle of blood and guitar strings floating in it.
I just rip them off of the guitar breaking off the FR and all of the tuning locks. Then I duct tape the new strings back on in any random order.

And then I shred!!!!11
well first i create a summoning circle and place my guitar in the middle. Then I draw the protective wards around it and summon up a lesser demon to change my strings but I have yet to get him to cut the fuckers off when he is done.

But what that demon does, is thread the string through the hole and wrap it around the peg........
i take the old string off...then out a new one on....

I also like taking the old string, heating the edges with a lighter untull it glows red, and poke stuff like paper, cardboard, or wax :)
Silver Incubus said:
well first i create a summoning circle and place my guitar in the middle. Then I draw the protective wards around it and summon up a lesser demon to change my strings but I have yet to get him to cut the fuckers off when he is done.

But what that demon does, is thread the string through the hole and wrap it around the peg........


when i change strings on a floyd i string the strings backwards, so the ball end is on the tuner, that way i only have to clip one end of the string, very convenient and looks much cleaner.
Elysian893 said:

when i change strings on a floyd i string the strings backwards, so the ball end is on the tuner, that way i only have to clip one end of the string, very convenient and looks much cleaner.

thats how I do my floyd guitars, btw nice uni:worship: