Your Work Out

Guitar Freak

New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2006
Hi Chris!

While looking on your pictures your great muscels are highly visible :OMG:

Can you tell me how often you work out?

What's your weight?

I want to have muscles like you, what should I do? thx for help dude :headbang:
I only work out 3 times a week (to absolute failure) and I'm much bigger than Chris is. I'm not just talking about muscle here either.

If you wanna get "big" keep your cardio down, and eat like a fucking freak.
I eat six meals a day and my calorie intake is super high. You'll need to eat clean though (which is pricy) and basically have a diet high in protein, with moderate carbs, and moderate fats. Good fats. (ie. Flax oil)

My workout is as follows

Squats 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Leg Extensions 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Leg Curls 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Dumbbell Pullovers 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Seated Rows 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Bench Press 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Barbell Bicep Curls 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Tricep Extensions 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Weighted Pullups 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Weighted Dips 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Standing Calf Raises 1 X 8 - 12 reps
Abs - 1 X 10 - 15 reps

That's it. I weigh about 195 right now, and I'm hoping to get to 220 before Spring. (yea right) Oh, Steph or Chris. What do you guys do with your fuckin hair in the gym?
hey zac, can you post some pictures of yourself?

uh, I have problems with the english names of exercices.
wtf are "abs" (sorry I'm german..)
You just do 1 phrase (hope this is the correct word for this in english) per exercise?

chris do you have topless pics of you? :DDD
Guitar Freak said:
wtf are "abs" (sorry I'm german..)
Stomach muscules

Guitar Freak said:
chris do you have topless pics of you? :DDD
Zac has all of those photos. I have this one though. :headbang:




Hey, Grieco, what's behind you? It's your worst nightmare, mister. Mr. Big-Time Beatin'!

Dammit these images are small.
Zac said:
My workout is as follows

Squats 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Leg Extensions 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Leg Curls 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Dumbbell Pullovers 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Seated Rows 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Bench Press 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Barbell Bicep Curls 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Tricep Extensions 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Weighted Pullups 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Weighted Dips 1 X 8 - 10 reps
Standing Calf Raises 1 X 8 - 12 reps
Abs - 1 X 10 - 15 reps

Why do you only do one set of everything? Get 3-4 of those mother's in there! :kickass:
hey guitar freak,

are you from rostock and did you visit the guitar freak camp 2006???
if so, we got a "date" to do some jamming and then i will show the heavy duty books written by mike mentzer.
of course it´s not for beginners but it´s inspiration,
i would suggest a good old circle training (that was the way bodybuilders trained before every used steroids to grow)

Hello Everyone!

When I was taking professional lessons some years ago, my instructor was a guitar geek/god. He has moved off and I lost contact. He has a few degrees and credentials and is the most bad ass guitarist I have witnessed in terms of his technical ability. I am sure he is still around somewhere but for the here and now, it was refreshing to discover Chris as he has charged me with new inspiration!

My point is, my former insructor made effort to stay on the thin/skinny side as he belived it helped his guitar playing. 5 years ago, I was the measurements of arnold when he was in his prime. So yes, I use to be a semi-pro bodybuilder. Although I no longer "looked" like a metal guitarist, I think having powerful forearms and wrists helped me in my playing.

Thus is the great debate, does it really matter whether one is muscular or skinny in terms of ability? I tend to think not. In Memphis TN, the late Shawn Lane was very fat and one would not think he could play a lick by looking at him but I hear he was incredible although I cannot vouch for that since I never heard him play.

So what do some of you think?
interesting thoughts, dude! i had some similar argument with myself recently...
in the end i came to the point, that, whenever you wanna train something that´s deals with muscles and things like that, could you benefit from proven chemical reaktions/ actions, that athlets know as well. in other words, i now believe, that -just like in pro sport- if u eat the right things, it will help your muscels to develope faster, because they can use the needed energy.

plus sport is a great thing to keep your mind fresh, because making musik can be such a head thing at times. since i do sports again (in my teenager years i had much more power ower the day, because i was very very active playing soccer), i feel that i regain concentration and stuff... maybe if you are a monster bodybuilder, that won´t help your playing, but i bet that chris health shape really works!!! unfortunately it´s hard to describe what i mean because there are missing some words, i would have to look up... but i have to go to a band rehearsal know... maybe u guys can continue this ´till i am back^^

yeah, for me it doesn't matter whether a human is thin, fat, muscular or not.
If someone wants to be fat, well, its his decision.

I don't work out to play the guitar better, I just work out for my heath and for my well being. But I think that sport keeps you fit and because of this it may be helpfull if you play a long time on the stage.

--to return to the topic, I'm still interested how long chris already works out, and how often. Do you just eat clean food, or take some protein shakes or something like that.

keep on rocking :headbang:
Back on the issue of working out, it all depends on your goals. Different goals will have a different path to follow in terms of your workout regimen and nutrition. In addition, genetics plays a large role in how you develop.

Everyone has the ability to grow muscle but not everyone has the ability to be Mr. Olympia. Now that we have discussed this, I can provide some general advice on how to obtain the build that Chris has from his web pics.

In the gym, you want to be concerned with lighter weight and more reps. For example, your goal should be 12-15 reps on everything. Your technique should be a controlled movement to "feel" the weight. Using proper technique, one can make light weight feel heavy. Seeing someone control the weight is much more impressive than seeing the weight control them. Know what I mean? I recommend getting with a trainer to personalize your workout and to go over basic safety when weight lifting. I would say a minimum of 3 days per week in the gym in required and 4 is perfect. 5 days is simply too much. Also, start out with only a minuite rest in between sets and work up to only 30 seconds. Too much rest and your workout will be anaerobic. You want to be aerobic to rush that oxygen into your body and work on stamina.

Cardio, I recommend working up to the point where you can jog 3-4 miles 3 times a week, no more than 4.

Nutrition, Yes, you have to eat clean. This means knowing what to eat and when. That is not to say that one cannot schedule in a tasty snack once in a while. Again, talk with an expert to customize a plan for you.

Well, this is a brief and basic idea for someone who wants to be "fit". Everyone's skill, health, and metabolism level will not be the same so, what it takes for one individual might take something else for another. Good luck!
you guys have hit the nail on the head. the keys to getting big are eating A LOT and lifting regularly. Ive also found that taking a protein suppliment twice a day (immediately after a workout and one before bed) has really helped me get bigger. i used to run 4 miles a day but i cut back, lifted more and at my peak i was 195. i felt frickin huge. i had surgery in july and havent been able to lift since then, so i am soft now, and down to about 180 i think. my bodyfat has also gone up because i ate badly this summer. im starting to get back into it as of yesterday. my bodytype is one that doesnt allow me a "cut" look, but more of a "thick" look. i have a steel bar in my chest now, and it stays there for the next 3 years, so i hope it doesnt hinder my workouts too much. we will see.
I am 6'2" and now weight 290 llbs. I don't have alot of fat on me but I would like to get down to 250 llbs if that is possible. I miss weighhing at 200 or 220 because I looked more like a guitarist then. I just want to tone down, get more cut and be healthy. My days of wanting to be the most muscled-up freak on the planet are over primarily because I found it to be not so convienient to maintain that.
^ Jon Vesano? That guy's got the biggest forearms in the world! I have a pic of myself and two friends with Jon after a Nile gig and yes, he's wider than the three of us put together :lol:

Anyone remember George Lynch circa late 90's? Very impressive physique for someone in their mid-40's.