[youtube] akercocke interviewed by irish christians

I just wanna tell you that one morning when you wake up and you find yourself lying in you own vomit, I want you to remember me and invite the lord Jesus Christ and he will cleanse you from the filth you walk in. God loves you
Oh, unholy drama:lol:
Everyone knows i am a catholic here. Those stupid evagalists just dont get that music is music. If you dont like it turn away. If someone wants to be a satanist its there choice and you can not try to ban things becuase of your moral-hungry Preference and who decides what good for socity and whats not.
That was somewhat amusing. I just hope to god that nobody in my school watched this...Christian followers can occasioanlly have cases of the dumb. Especially over here. It's odd to not actually be christian.

Gah, I have a hard enough time explaining that I'm Atheist (Well, more of an 'Oh god, we don't really need to know this shit' type of person...) most of the time. And I'm one of approximately 2 people in the college who actually is noticeably a metal listener.

But that video, it does amuse. I probably had my view skewed in favour of the band though, I think they put up a good show :p
This is a disgrace to christianity... they didn't even let Akercocke speak cause there was too many people talking ughhh and they seriously think they are devil worshipping. Clearly Irish christian moms never taught their kids to wait their turn before speaking.

I'm checking out Akercocke now inorder to support them after the chaos they went through on this show but omg it was HILARIOUS!:)
At least I learned how to pronounce the band's name (after so many god awful years of saying "ache-er-cock")