[youtube] akercocke interviewed by irish christians

Wow, that was really infuriating. I'm atheist, but I also despise organized (or otherwise) religions. I respect them to a point, but once they start trying to force around what other people can do or say, that's when I get pissed.
Their pronunciation was kinda off I think. The E on the end is pronounced almost as if there is a light, faint R sound, but that though more or less has to do with the band's British accent. I have their 'Words...' bonus DVD and that's how they pronounced it, as well as what I've heard from them through audio interviews...like Acker-cocker but in a British accent.
"I just wanna tell you, that one morning when you wake up and find yourself lying in your own vomit, I just want you to remember me ok. I want you to welcome the lord Jesus Christ into your heart and he will cleanse you."

I nearly fell out of my chair.
But it might just be their accents "skewing" it.

Yes, I brought that up as well. I'm not saying its an R sound, but it sounds as if its a faint R - much like how a Brit would pronounce a word like "rocker." ...I like English accents but not those of the Irish, and their awful pronunciation of absoulely everything. Worship syay-tin! Got nothing against Irish people, I just find them annoying to listen to. :p
Well that was a dissapointing interview, neiter side seemed prepared at all and there was WAY too many instances of several people talking at once. Really irritating.

I gotta say Akercocke's arguments were pretty worthless though, claiming to have never said anything against Christianity??? What about their lyrics as the guy pointed out? The "Christians" on the show did a terrible job as well at making their point (and I'm one so I can talk) Being judgmental is hardly Christ-like.
Well that was a dissapointing interview, neiter side seemed prepared at all and there was WAY too many instances of several people talking at once. Really irritating.

I gotta say Akercocke's arguments were pretty worthless though, claiming to have never said anything against Christianity??? What about their lyrics as the guy pointed out? The "Christians" on the show did a terrible job as well at making their point (and I'm one so I can talk) Being judgmental is hardly Christ-like.

Well the band really isn't about being anti-christian. Lyrically they obviously have some content that would be offensive, but their defense has more to do with the fact that they aren't necessarily attacking christianity. If anything their lyrics are just as based on sex, as they are on occult/satanism. A lot of people think they are a dead-serious satanic death metal band, when really they have a great sense of humour.
Well the band really isn't about being anti-christian. Lyrically they obviously have some content that would be offensive, but their defense has more to do with the fact that they aren't necessarily attacking christianity. If anything their lyrics are just as based on sex, as they are on occult/satanism. A lot of people think they are a dead-serious satanic death metal band, when really they have a great sense of humour.

But isn't being a Satanist by nature defined as being in opposition to Christ? Seems logical to me since Satan is basically the "anti-God". I'm no expert on modern Satanism though obviously.
Yes, I brought that up as well. I'm not saying its an R sound, but it sounds as if its a faint R - much like how a Brit would pronounce a word like "rocker." ...I like English accents but not those of the Irish, and their awful pronunciation of absoulely everything. Worship syay-tin! Got nothing against Irish people, I just find them annoying to listen to. :p
I'm pretty sure it's pronounced as if it were a German word (as it originally came from Faust if I remember correctly). The final syllable is a soft e sound, which sounds like an a. This is standard German.
I'm pretty sure it's pronounced as if it were a German word (as it originally came from Faust if I remember correctly). The final syllable is a soft e sound, which sounds like an a. This is standard German.

Well, yes it is, but its more like a soft A then, maybe thats a bit more accurate. Maybe my comparison wasn't exactly too clear, it more or less an example to try and sound out how its pronounced.
But isn't being a Satanist by nature defined as being in opposition to Christ? Seems logical to me since Satan is basically the "anti-God". I'm no expert on modern Satanism though obviously.

Yes in a sense, but most people associate satanists with the "We hate christians, let's burn their churches down" sort. It has more to metaphorically with being an individual and such, which is something that you typically won't find in religions like Christianity. Most Satanists are athiests anyways. Satan is a great symbol for this because it represents an objective point of view, that's all. But I'm sure you know all that.

Their attack on Akercocke, is simply another 'crusade' against so-called Satan, and whatever else non-sense. As it always is, its ironic because Akercocke isn't affecting their lives negatively, and their existence has no affect on their lives, period - but they make it a problem for themselves. They denied it, but really thats all it is. Freedom of expression in such a non convenient way for them will always be a "threat" to their power and influence over mindless people.
It's too bad they didn't have a good answer when the guy asked them what was so great about Satan.

They didn't have a good answer to anything. They just kind of giggled at the Christians and made asses of themselves. I doubt they've ever bothered to really justify to themselves why they have anti-Christian lyrics.

Wow, that was really infuriating. I'm atheist, but I also despise organized (or otherwise) religions. I respect them to a point, but once they start trying to force around what other people can do or say, that's when I get pissed.

I'm happy to say I don't have trouble these days putting opinionated Christians in their place when I'm in debates with them. If you're familiar enough with the typical repertoire of pro-Christianity arguments, you can usually get them to admit that the only real 'argument' they have is their faith.

Well that was a dissapointing interview, neiter side seemed prepared at all and there was WAY too many instances of several people talking at once. Really irritating.

I gotta say Akercocke's arguments were pretty worthless though, claiming to have never said anything against Christianity??? What about their lyrics as the guy pointed out? The "Christians" on the show did a terrible job as well at making their point (and I'm one so I can talk) Being judgmental is hardly Christ-like.

Yeah, the whole show was kind of just one big circus of ignorant dipshits wallowing around in their own biases.

But isn't being a Satanist by nature defined as being in opposition to Christ? Seems logical to me since Satan is basically the "anti-God". I'm no expert on modern Satanism though obviously.

That's my understanding of it, which is why Satanism makes absolutely no fucking sense at all to me. I notice that modern Satanism tends to define their principles not so much in terms of 'anti-Christianity' but rather 'pro-individuality' - in which case, they might as well drop the whole "Satan" label, because they're just making themselves look ridiculous. Of course, Satanism wouldn't be 'cool' if it didn't have Satan in it. :lol:
But isn't being a Satanist by nature defined as being in opposition to Christ? Seems logical to me since Satan is basically the "anti-God". I'm no expert on modern Satanism though obviously.

mmm yes and no, it seems. I don't know, I'm not a satanist. Just like with any religion, there are various fractions and different sects. The following was taken from http://www.religioustolerance.org/satanis4.htm

Satan in his original pre-Christian Pagan forms is respected, as a principle rather than a deity. Satanists do not worship Satan just as most Buddhists do not worship Buddha."
Major emphasis is placed on the power and authority of the individual Satanist, rather than on a God or Goddess.
They believe that "no redeemer liveth" - that each person is their own redeemer, fully responsible for their own life.
"Satanism respects and exalts life. Children and animals are the purest expressions of that life force, and as such are held sacred and precious..." Children and animals are not abused or killed.
Those Satanists who believe in Satan or Set as a living entity do not worship or demonstrate their faith in him (as, for example, Christians worship and pray to their God).
They believe that one should live out their lusts and desires, and enthusiastically explore the "seven deadly sins" with other consenting adults.
They follow many beliefs, practices and rules of behavior which are in conflict with traditional Christianity, and essentially all other religions.
Uniqueness and creativity are encouraged.
Reminds me of this one time I managed to get on the subject of religion in my psych. class with this one incredibly christian kid because he said he loved sports and "god",(both of which suck)
I pretty much fried him, because like you said, their only real indisputable thing they can put foward is their faith.

It annoys me when I say I'm an atheist and people tell me I'm going to go to hell for it. They don't seem to comprehend the fact that
A)Atheism does not=satanic beliefs
B)I don't believe in hell.

So I always throw back petty insults because that's how mature I am.
Well, no. LaVeyan Satanism uses Satan as a symbolic figure, not as a part of the Judeo-Christian dichotomy. Satan is just a symbol of individuality. It's an appropriate one as well.

Yeah, I get the whole idea of Satan as a symbol of individuality. And I agree that "He" is quite an appropriate one. I'm just a bit irked by the general idea of Satanism, because it was basically conceived as a spite to Christianity. The individualism theme just seems like an afterthought to that, in order to make the whole ideology worth a shit.
Reminds me of this one time I managed to get on the subject of religion in my psych. class with this one incredibly christian kid because he said he loved sports and "god",(both of which suck)
I pretty much fried him, because like you said, their only real indisputable thing they can put foward is their faith.

It annoys me when I say I'm an atheist and people tell me I'm going to go to hell for it. They don't seem to comprehend the fact that
A)Atheism does not=satanic beliefs
B)I don't believe in hell.

So I always throw back petty insults because that's how mature I am.


Technically speaking, if you're an atheist (i.e. you believe that there is no God), then the Christians do have an extra argument against you, since believing there is no god is still assuming something about the nature of the universe. We really can't prove that there is or isn't a god.