[youtube] akercocke interviewed by irish christians

Well, assuming for a second God did exist, it'd be like not beleiving in gravity, no matter what you think it'd still exist. So in the end it doesn't really matter what you think.

And agnostics are just atheists without balls.
That's my understanding of it, which is why Satanism makes absolutely no fucking sense at all to me. I notice that modern Satanism tends to define their principles not so much in terms of 'anti-Christianity' but rather 'pro-individuality' - in which case, they might as well drop the whole "Satan" label, because they're just making themselves look ridiculous. Of course, Satanism wouldn't be 'cool' if it didn't have Satan in it. :lol:

Yeah... it seems rather pointless to attach the "Satan" label to an ideology that seems to more or less be individualistic hedonism. I'm sure there ARE actually some people out there who are actively worshipping Satan as a living being (real witches and such), but these metal bands (and lots of people on this board) saying they're satanists need to get over themselves and just admit they're just hedonists with a humanistic bent.
Well, assuming for a second God did exist, it'd be like not beleiving in gravity, no matter what you think it'd still exist. So in the end it doesn't really matter what you think.

Actually, if the Christian God existed, we'd all be going to Hell, thus making quite a fucking difference whether we believed in him or not, so I'm not sure where you're going with this...
The argument "well you can't prove there isn't a god" is about as valid as saying "well you can't prove that I can't fly to the moon and back is less than five seconds." If anything, the onus is on them to prove otherwise.
The argument "well you can't prove there isn't a god" is about as valid as saying "well you can't prove that I can't fly to the moon and back is less than five seconds." If anything, the onus is on them to prove otherwise.

Well, of course Christianity has a hell of a lot of assumptions to deal with (none of which can be dealt with), but that doesn't necessarily validate atheism. Atheists still have 'faith' in there being no god at all. Which is kind of ironic, really...
Well, of course Christianity has a hell of a lot of assumptions to deal with (none of which can be dealt with), but that doesn't necessarily validate atheism. Atheists still have 'faith' in there being no god at all. Which is kind of ironic, really...

Well I am completely 100% athiest. I wouldn't exactly call it "faith" since yes that would make it somewhat ironic depending on definition, and of course its misleading.
Well I am completely 100% athiest. I wouldn't exactly call it "faith" since yes that would make it somewhat ironic depending on definition, and of course its misleading.

Well, if it's not faith, then you must have some justification for believing that there could not possibly be a god. I don't see what that justification would be, though.

Back that with a scientific mindset, and one usually finds that there is really no evidence to be found in show any traces of the existence of some supernatural creator...besides the obvious (and fallacious) "look around you! God made all this!".

Consider it a form of "active non-participation" :lol:
There's no evidence that there isn't a flying dick circling the globe at the moment either.
This doesn't really need to get heated, let's keep in mind. I was just playing Devil's Flying Cock myself.