YouTubery for the masses

This looks like a great spectator sport....

Funny you should meantion that.......From Sydney's daily telegraph

HE WAS the anonymous suit who happened to click on the wrong email at the wrong time - now David Kiely is a worldwide internet sensation whose unwitting antics have almost overshadowed the object of his attention.

The red-faced broker was yesterday keeping a low profile at the King St Wharf offices of Macquarie Bank after his on-air ogling of photos of semi-naked model Miranda Kerr.

He was opening e-mailed pictures of Kerr while one of his colleagues, Martin Lakos, did a live television cross to Channel 7 news right behind him on Tuesday.

Mr Keily's career future is likely to be decided this week.

It is understood Mr Kiely, a Macquarie employee for six years, will have to meet bank management and its human resources management, and the bank has warned staff about how they use the internet since the incident.

Channel 10 news last night aired allegations that he had been set up, with one of the emails containing at the end: "Turn around now", which he did, finding himself confronted by the camera.

The claim that Mr Kiely might have been set up as a joke could help save him from any severe reprimand.

But despite red faces down at the bank, Mr Kiely became an accidental hero to internet users.

The most popular posting of the clip on YouTube attracted more than 50,000 hits as of late yesterday and ranked as the most popular clip in news and politics.

The saucy photos of Kerr were believed to be from a recent GQ Magazine shoot and were sent to Mr Kiely via email.

While Macquarie Bank said it was investigating the actions of the client investment manager, public opinion was vastly sympathetic.

Some 250 YouTube users had commented on the video, with many arguing Mr Kiely was unlucky to be caught on TV.

"To be fair, he was simply browsing through his emails, and perhaps he simply opened it not realising what it was?" one YouTube viewer wrote.

"Can't blame him . . . probably the dullest job ever, plus I mean, come on, it's Miranda Kerr, he's only human," another YouTube viewer wrote.

The only person who wasn't talking about him yesterday was the object of his email, Kerr, who flew into Sydney yesterday from New York, oblivious to the mess her recent photo shoot had caused.

"I don't know anything about it, I've been on a plane all night," Kerr said.

Back on home turf for the David Jones winter fashion launch next week, Kerr smiled as Mr Kiely's gaffe was explained to her before changing the subject to how pleased she was to be back home.

"I'm really happy to be home . . . to spend time with my family and friends," Kerr said.

Colleagues at Macquarie's King St wharf office block were yesterday tight-lipped about Mr Kiely's misdemeanour.

"I don't want to say anything -- the photos aren't bad, he was just unlucky with his timing," one colleague said smiling as he left the building for lunch.

Another colleague said Mr Kiely was a "decent guy" who would be embarrassed by the stir he has caused.
This band looks awesome live, Love to see them out here

Two very cool videos from the Sweden's Melodifestivalen (Eurovsion heats)

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I looked up this video just for this thread, I just hope I won't get shot for it!
The rendition of the song is not too brilliant, but you can skip to the beginning of the guitar solo at around 3:25-3:30. I can't help it, the man is a genius.

Hope you will enjoy!


Edit: Ah, I just noticed that this version of the vid is not properly synced. There are others, I picked this one because it seemed the image/sound quality was superior to the rest. I apologize.
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