You've been Naomied! should be a new word for crazy violence


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
I swear, when're they gonna chain up this fuckin bitch? Stupid cunt is always makin some hilarious and violent scene in public.


Whacked on Crack?

Supermodel Naomi Campbell arrested for alleged assault
Last updated at 09:19am on 26th October 2006

Naomi Campbell was held for 12 hours in a police cell before being questioned over an alleged assault.

The 36-year-old supermodel had to sleep off jet lag after being arrested for allegedly scratching the face of her drugs therapist.

Miss Campbell was questioned by officers after her counsellor walked into a police station with blood-red marks down both her cheeks.

The Streatham-born model was arrested on suspicion of causing actual bodily harm at her central London home at 1.20pm yesterday.

Campbell is believed to have slept for up to 12 hours at Charing Cross police station before being questioned and released on bail at 1am today.

A source said the attack had allegedly happened when the model flew into a rage at her therapist, who has not been named, during a counselling session.

The source said: "She looked quite shaken up. The marks were so red you could tell the attack had only recently happened."

In the past, Campbell has sought help for anger management but last night her spokesman pleaded innocence. He said: "We believe there has been a misunderstanding. Once police have investigated we are sure this will be resolved satisfactorily."

In the past eight years, Campbell has been accused eight times of committing acts of violence and verbal abuse against her employees and associates.

In 1998, her aide Georgina Galanis claimed the model threatened to throw her from a moving car and hit her over the head with a telephone in a hotel room. Campbell pleaded guilty to assault charges in 2000 and paid Miss Galanis an undisclosed sum of money for the distress caused. Under an agreement with the prosecution her record was cleared in exchange for her expressing remorse.

A few months after the court case, Campbell's personal assistant Vanessa Frisbee also claimed she had been physically assaulted.

A year later Campbell's new assistant Simone Craig alleged that she had been kept hostage by the model and beaten repeatedly. Both accusations were denied by Campbell's lawyers.

In 2003, a maid sued Campbell for throwing a phone at her and in 2004 police were called after housekeeper Millicent Burton claimed she had been hit.

In March last year, the star was said to have slapped her assistant Amanda Brack and beaten her around the head with a Blackberry personal organiser.

The star's spokesman Rob Shuter denied the incident ever took place but in July this year, Miss Brack began proceedings against Campbell accusing her of assault, battery, false imprisonment and infliction of emotional distress.

Italian actress Yvonne Scio also claimed the model left her "covered in blood" after a spat at a Rome hotel. Miss Scio told police: "She punched me in the face. She was like Mike Tyson."

On 30 March this year, Campbell was arrested again for allegedly assaulting another of her assistants with a Swarovski crystal-encrusted cell phone in New York. The woman needed stitches to the head and Campbell was charged with second-degree assault - a crime that carries a minimum sentence of one year and a maximum of seven years.

The case is due in court in New York next month, when the model is expected to deny the charge.

Billy, there's a song to be written about this bitch!

For music, I suggest heavy bass mixed eerily with overtones of press-on nails scratching a chalkboard and a cat being choked.

overprivileged, pampered, spoiled... the whole social disease of worship for the 'beautiful people' had a huge part in making this nutbar what she is.

the rest, i'm sure, can be chalked up to poor breeding.
SueNC said:
overprivileged, pampered, spoiled... the whole social disease of worship for the 'beautiful people' had a huge part in making this nutbar what she is.

the rest, i'm sure, can be chalked up to poor breeding.

This is something I am sure that we all can agree on:lol:
SueNC said:
overprivileged, pampered, spoiled... the whole social disease of worship for the 'beautiful people' had a huge part in making this nutbar what she is.

the rest, i'm sure, can be chalked up to poor breeding.

Poor breeding? Looks good to me.
MyHatred said:
Yeah, she is good looking, that's for sure....But as an individual, she is completely hideous.

It's good to see your softer side Hatred...release your inner femininity...there's more to one's beauty than what's on the's the warm, mushy, soft and chewy center that counts!:lol:
man i fucking hate all those twig emaciated looking excuses for females.

all of em fucking trouncing up and down a runway sporting that im a hard bitch but i need a big mac right now cause im starving look.

you got it right spoiled pampered clueless egotistical cows.

BLEH !!!!
Hell_Awaits said:
Poor breeding? Looks good to me.

outer appearance means very little when her behavior is so low-grade, out of control and uncivilized. :u-huh:
SueNC said:
outer appearance means very little when her behavior is so low-grade, out of control and uncivilized. :u-huh:

Outer appearence is only way to judge a model,they make their living based on appearence. Its not like I'm buying her products whatever they may be. I'm simply looking at her and filing the image away for a later date.

I was'nt defending her I was just pointing out that while she may be overprivileged, pampered, and spoiled,
what she most definitly is not is the result of poor breeding, poor upbringing perhaps.
Hell_Awaits said:
Outer appearence is only way to judge a model,they make their living based on appearence. Its not like I'm buying her products whatever they may be. I'm simply looking at her and filing the image away for a later date.

I was'nt defending her I was just pointing out that while she may be overprivileged, pampered, and spoiled,
what she most definitly is not is the result of poor breeding, poor upbringing perhaps.

poor upbringing = poor breeding
Hell_Awaits said:
Outer appearence is only way to judge a model,they make their living based on appearence. Its not like I'm buying her products whatever they may be. I'm simply looking at her and filing the image away for a later date.

I was'nt defending her I was just pointing out that while she may be overprivileged, pampered, and spoiled,
what she most definitly is not is the result of poor breeding, poor upbringing perhaps.
Amen brother. Nobody is looking to marry this clam, just throw her a jump. For the record, the only reason I would kick her out of bed would be to fuck her on the floor.