yt-clip: Diezel Hagen vs VH4


New Metal Member
Mar 27, 2012
Hey guys,
I had the luck, to get my hands on a used Diezel Hagen. Got it yesterday and took some time today, to reamp the DI-pack vom Mago/Lasse Lammert through Hagen and VH4, to create a little video, comparing the two amps riff by riff.

I really like the differences of the amps, although you really hear, they share the same genetic code :-)

Recording chain was:
DI - Redeye 3D - Amp - Diezel 4x12RL (V30s) - Shure SM57 - BAE 1073MP - Fireface UFX - ProTools 10

There´s absolutely no post processing on the guitars

Hope, you like it:

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Digging the Hagen in this clip better too. Less bloated low-mids, although I found both a bit too smooth for my taste. :)