YT: Lundgren M6 demo & short review (plus DI's and backing track)

Pretty cool demo. As an owned of an M8 and "the one" gotta say I love Lundgren pickups, however, they are insanely expensive.
Yeah, the lundgrens are so incredibly beefy, yet precise, its crazy. But holy hell, the price of a single humbucker is the same as a set of BKPs.
Yeah, and to be honest there are much cheaper pickups that I prefer (Seymour Duncan Distortion and JB, for example). It's a great piece of kit but let's be honest, how sophisticated can some magnets and some copper wire really be?
Well tone was ok and I liked Entwistle HDN Neodymium tone WAY BETTER.
I thought that Lungren Ms are djent toned as Meshuggah and Tesseract.
Uhh seems for that I'll like BKP Juggernouts better (even price-wise) .
I didn't think the Lundgrens were that djenty at all really. They're just a great metal pickup (you can get that 'djent' sound from most hot pickups really).

You might like the HDNs better because it's a slightly different sign chain (v30 and t75 in this video, but the HDNs were all V30).
But holy hell, the price of a single humbucker is the same as a set of BKPs.
No that's not true Unless it's a used set. Got an M6 in my ESP Horizon and love it. But hey I could afford it without hesitation. And BKP? Bought a Nailbomb set used and had high expectation since so many praise BKP . Hated them and sold them and bought M6.