Yyrkoon - Occult Medicine

Yeah man, that's why I had my secretary fix you up. :kickass:

Not sure if this makes sense, but Yrkoon play 'sophisticated' death metal. It's white collar metal. It's reasonably polished but not enough from taking away it's groove. Track 3 is groovy.
Yeah man, that's why I had my secretary fix you up. :kickass:

And today I finally got around to keeping my appointment, LOL.

JayKeeley said:
Not sure if this makes sense, but Yrkoon play 'sophisticated' death metal. It's white collar metal. It's reasonably polished but not enough from taking away it's groove. Track 3 is groovy.

It makes perfect sense - to be honest, I know you dig 'em, but this is how Nile *should* sound. Man this would be killer in a live setting. :rock:
OK, but I guess I'm asking why the Nile comparison in particular? It's not like you're listening to Rudra or Melechesh. See what I'm saying?

Totally, the difference here is that I *like* those bands and just happened to pick out a random technical death metal band that I don't like and would like better if they sounded like a band I actually like. Like, say, Yyrkoon.

Like, ya know. :loco:

Well, I don't listen to Nile for their technicality, but I see what you're saying. For me it's their brutality that becomes overwhelming. Yrkoon aren't that technical either, but I still see what you're saying, amazingly enough. :loco:
By context, I take it you mean "nothing"?

At any rate, I can see where hearing a ton of bands in this style would dilute your enjoyment of them as it's the age old, "I don't hear anything revolutionary, but what they do, they do well" point of view for me.

I'd give it about a 7.5 out of 10. I'm not putting them on that high a pedastol, but I definitely dig it.

I'm not enough of a death metal coinesseur to notice how derivative they are. I know I like Yrkoon more than the bog standard type DM bands like new Aeternus, Blood Red Throne, Zyklon, etc. And I know they don't have that same atmospheric vibe as, say, Melechesh or old Aeternus. So yeah, they kind of sit in that island I've got floating in my head.