Zecharia Sitchin, Erich von Däniken, and alien theories

Nov 30, 2005
I'm listening to Coast To Coast AM with George Noory and tonight's episode is in tribute to Zecharia Sitchin (who passed away earlier this month), originator of the theory that aliens genetically altered primates into an intelligent race (i.e. humans) thousands of years ago, and the history of their colonization of our planet is detailed in Sumerian mythology. Erich von Daniken of course asserts that aliens taught humans about science and technology, and again asserts that the evidence is shown in ancient and biblical mythology. I propose a discussion about his interesting topic.
George Washington was in a cult, and that cult was into aliens, man. We're the aliens man, we're the savages. We're the savages, man.
But seriously. The whole theory about aliens colonizing earth and giving us technology is ridiculous, that is obvious. But has anyone noticed how elaborate this theory is? I mean, there are few holes and not many glaring contradictions. As implausible as this theory is, I think it's genius. It really is one of the greatest works of science fiction EVER.
Earth being included in some kind of intergalactic community like Star Trek would be kewl.
Haha, yeah, people make this shit up because they simply like the idea of it.
I must say that's an interesting take on aliens but ultimately, I think it's just human fantasy. I don't think I've ever heard of a dumb alien, they're always highly intelligent human-like creatures who possess super-advanced, unheard of technology. It's always the same thing.

Maybe people are just so used to being the 'superior' animal, that they like the concept of possibly being an inferior species to these so-called aliens. Thoughts and ideas that scare you might peak your interest I suppose.
I believe 100% that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. However, distance and the laws of physics make it pretty goddamn hard for us to contact each other. I'm willing to bet there's a huge number of earth-like worlds, with species at least as advanced (and even more so) as we are, and all of them are unaware of each other. However, the idea of a 12th planet inhabited by super-beings just goes against basic astronomy.
It's a bit hard to believe that we're the only fuckwits in this miserable uni/multiverse? We have more missions to fulfill more planets to colonise and fuck.This universe has been marked as worthless and we are the micro organisms to do the trick?
I just don't think any civilization from any planet in the Universe could have the technical advancements in the amount of time to progress enough and travel the amount of light years (in our case it would be 4.2 light years/6 trillion miles) to the next sun/star or solar system. By the time they(we) even found this technology (which is highly unlikely) they would either die out/extinct or their star would die. Stars die much too quickly for anything conscious to evolve into space ( outside our solar system or even another )

but this is just my opinion and maybe I'm just limited in terms of human conception.
I think we are all very limited my friend...we could all study at the fucking best scools for a millenia and still have no idea.Kind've makes me think we are'nt all that important to be inhabiting this worthless solar system,with no idea why?.I firmly believe we're at the bottom of the food chain.

Normal matter being Atoms(protons/electrons/neutrons)/chemical elements

@slough, Worthless? or just unknowable? I think you just described what absurdity is, trying to find meaning in a meaningless world, trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, but let me ask you this question...

Would you really want to live in a universe where everything was explained and already gave you meaning?

Don't you love the fact that we create our own meaning. Why would you want it any other way?
Maybe humans are the ones who are aliens. We came to earth and crashed our space ship upon landing so we couldn't go back, mated with apes and just managed to mess everything up. The other aliens were so ashamed and embarrassed of our behaviour that they didn't even bother to rescue us. Now, every once in a while they'll abduct someone just to mess with our heads.

Normal matter being Atoms(protons/electrons/neutrons)/chemical elements

@slough, Worthless? or just unknowable? I think you just described what absurdity is, trying to find meaning in a meaningless world, trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, but let me ask you this question...

Would you really want to live in a universe where everything was explained and already gave you meaning?

Don't you love the fact that we create our own meaning. Why would you want it any other way?

I do enjoy being kept in the dark to a degree and thus forming our own hypothesis but my concern is that we'll never get an explanation.I'm usually an optimist but not when it comes to our role in this vast expanse.What about all these so UFO sightings?
'The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis' suggests that all of these visitations from at least the 1950's have been by inhabitants of an invisible landscape.Another popular idea states that the UFO spectacle is the product of an inconcievably ancient machine intelligence not unlike that portrayed in Arthur C. Clarke's 2001.It's all just too out there for me to be almost convinced that we won't/don't play any significant role.
I think Vossyrus's idea is as good as any that i've come across,i've always felt that we are spores blown to this planet and most likely all others within this solar system,parasitic spores and this is the only planet that can sustain life(as we know it hehe).It really does'nt worry me,I mean I don't lose sleep over this stuff but I think about it from time to time,as i'm sure everyone else does and it's a good thing, reminds me that we're no better or worse than any other living creature that lives on earth.
Maybe humans are the ones who are aliens. We came to earth and crashed our space ship upon landing so we couldn't go back, mated with apes and just managed to mess everything up. The other aliens were so ashamed and embarrassed of our behaviour that they didn't even bother to rescue us. Now, every once in a while they'll abduct someone just to mess with our heads.

No offense, in any way, but this just sounds like a really bad scifi book/movie
i've always felt that we are spores blown to this planet and most likely all others within this solar system,parasitic spores and this is the only planet that can sustain life(as we know it hehe).

Comets contain organic compounds (proteins, amino acids) and ice (which obviously melts into water), and it is generally believed that our planet survived numerous comet impacts early on, which created our oceans and seeded them with the organic compounds while developed into bacteria and eventually evolved into complex organisms, so this is partially correct. I really don't think there is any necessity for extraterrestrial intervention for a species to develop language and technology. The necessity is circumstantial. Language is not unique (though not as advanced) to humans - consider wolves, whales, dolphins, other primates, elephants. Humanoids (homo sapiens and all earlier species) developed technology because of our physical limitations in relation to our need to supplement our diet with meat. We're much weaker and slower moving than other hunting animals, so we needed to develop weapons technology. Pursuing these animals to normally hostile climates led us to develop home construction and clothing manufacture. The rest is history.
yeah I get the evolution bit but what I don't understand is,throughout this whole massive(to us) universe/solar system,why is Earth the only beacon of life.It just does'nt really make sense,very little of this makes sense.Considering how poor we are as a whole,we can't even get along with different races of our our kind let alone communicate with distant life forms.Fuck it lol...i'm just gonna quit because I can see this leading to paths of mindfuckery for myself and maybe others and i'm not really in the correct frame of mind for such gay banter.

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