Zines worth checking out?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Can anybody recommend some good zines. newsletters, full on mags that are actually worth the time to read? I currently am subscribed to Unrestrained and it has turned into utter shit. It's like a fucking smorsgasboard of metalcore worship. Not too mention that they promised 2 free cd's per issue, and then stopped that deal after 1 issue in. So yea anything along the lines of Convivial Hermit, or Decadent's "Northern Shadows" would be what I'm looking for.

i got some old issues of negura lying around ... lots of info in each issue for sure.
i don't think I read 90% of it :loco:
Erik said:
the best zine active i think

yury arkadin writes it, you might know him from u! and maybe erebus or something, i forget

Indeed. Light years above every other publication out there. There's only 2 damn issues though. And the first one is out of print. Do you have any word on a new issue?
I was about to recommend Convivial Hermit but I see it's been discussed already.

Anyway, Convivial Hermit is my contribution to this thread.

[EDIT] I've mailed Yury yesterday and asked how it looks with the next issue, I expect to inform you in a couple days...
Reign in Acai said:
Wish to sell those copies? :confused:

i really want to hang on to them ... part of my NB collection ...

just checked the website ... www.negura.ro ... and looks like it is still printing ... issue #5 out soon

I have 2 and 3 ... issue 1 is all in Romanian, so ...
btw ... just commissioned the co. that did the negura and NB site to develop a site for one of my clients ... those guys are really talented.
Glory & Perdition is the new one, right?

I only have the debut, and I listened to it like 7 times today, yet I kept finding myself drifting and not paying attention. It was good, but there was something...lacking. Can't put my finger on it yet.
Unrestrained has turned to poop. Adam Weasalick (pretty much the only black metal fan they had) leaves and that fat fuck Bromley turns it into a promo-greedy 10/10 BUY OR DIE lovefest. and yeah, about half of it is -core schmoozing. the other half is crappy avant garde bullshit and the third half is simply stupid ads

I didn't like the latest Terrorizer either. I'll check out convivial hermit and maybe the niggera mag