Zodijakyl light VIDEO


I am one sick fuck
Oct 28, 2001
Dallas, TX U.S.A.
K... My guess is this video was ONLY made for the European PAL system....am I correct????

I have NEVER seen a VHS NTSC format.....Do you think Osmose will start reprinting it is NTSC format????:cool:
I talked to some local dealers in the flea market
and yea it appears to be a pal only thing but interesting enough i actually saw it on tv on an old local tv show and well here we can only see NTSC like in the states, so either the station worked something out for that one and the hedon video, OR there is someone with a NTSC version....personally i would be deeply thankfull to anyone who can point out information on the subject or point the way to some media for the pc...
I'll give it a try to make a .mpg of them, but I still have problems with the compression on the program I'm using at the time...I've downloaded Premiere and I'll try sooner or later with that one and see if my machine gives finally in ;P
I'll let you know then...
Originally posted by FatherVic
I'll give it a try to make a .mpg of them, but I still have problems with the compression on the program I'm using at the time...I've downloaded Premiere and I'll try sooner or later with that one and see if my machine gives finally in ;P
I'll let you know then...

I've sent Niklas an mpg and an avi of the videos, lets see if he puts them up on the webpage later.
:lol: Just saw this...
And it reminded me of Thanatos' departure :cry:

Siren (thanks pal :cry: )