Zombie Emoticon

Never seen that movie. I'm not a movie person really.... And I know that I'm gonna get owned for this but..... I've never seen Terminator, Predator, Alien, or any Arnie movie lol


Wow, I´ve never known anyone who hasnt seen Terminator. Even if you dont enjoy it you should watch some movies, its called culture. So how come youre not a movie fan? Didnt your parents let you watch Tv when you were a kid?
Well then I guess I'm an uncultured bastard :lol:

I watched tv when I was a kid, but all the shows I watched were all cartoons :lol:. And movies just bore me. I dunno why...... Video games >>>>> Movies.

Anyways, back to the topic! :zombie:
Never seen that movie. I'm not a movie person really.... And I know that I'm gonna get owned for this but..... I've never seen Terminator, Predator, Alien, or any Arnie movie lol

how... just how... my mind cant cope with this, how have u not seen any off them, u just listed basically all my fave movies of all time
Ghostbusters, Gladiator, ANY Rocky movie, Grease, Godfather, Scarface...... Seen NONE of them :lol: