Zombie game title music - X30, DFHS, Recab


Oct 28, 2006
Hi guys.

Here's an edit of the title music from a game my company's making. Guitars are through Mokafix Cream Tube, X30 and Recabinet. Bass is through a demo of Mokafix Bass Rider. Drums are DFHS. Mastering is limited with W1. All other plugins are Reaper's included stuff.

Age of Zombies title

Let me know what you think
There are a few spots that sound like it clips or something odd like that?

And what is up with the vocals?... I don't understand it.
There are a few spots that sound like it clips or something odd like that?

And what is up with the vocals?... I don't understand it.

The vocals are the zombies for the game, expressing the desire for brains, and I'm not spotting the clipping sound. At what time?
The vocals are the zombies for the game, expressing the desire for brains, and I'm not spotting the clipping sound. At what time?

But I can't take the zombie voice seriously lol

Idk, I heard some odd sounds in there though.
Dude, is THIS Age Of Zombies (PSP mini)?


I love this game! Finished it in one playthrough!
That's right, it is :). Music in it's all mine. They wanted some different music for the iPhone port (the PSP title music sounds like ass on the iPhone speaker).

I'm glad you enjoyed the game :). Hope the 2 minute loops didn't get on your nerves too much, hehe.

But I can't take the zombie voice seriously lol

That's the point - they're not really serious zombies :). Everything in the game is over-the-top and geared to be funny.
That's right, it is :). Music in it's all mine. They wanted some different music for the iPhone port (the PSP title music sounds like ass on the iPhone speaker).

I'm glad you enjoyed the game :). Hope the 2 minute loops didn't get on your nerves too much, hehe.

That's the point - they're not really serious zombies :). Everything in the game is over-the-top and geared to be funny.

In that case, I love it! hah
holy shit, i love this game lol. Feudal japan is a bitch to score high on in survival mode, cant get past 450,000 but every other level im 6 mil and up.

i got this game like 2 weeks ago, kind of surprised to meet some people that worked on it lol. Sweet sound track