ZOMG! My Electro-Metal band is here to make you pregnant...(W/ Video!)


New Metal Member
Jul 8, 2008
Word guys

Turff from Screaming Mechanical Brain here again. I've posted a few clips here and there over the last couple months and I had a new video for the song "How We Became a Monster" that is on our upcoming full length. So we finally got around to releasing a demo and I figured we should just somewhat sync it up with a video because no one can pay attention to just music on the internet nowadays (and who blames you, there is porno to be had at a moments notice!)

So check it out at

The song was recorded mostly with my trusty PRS Custom 24 with Bareknuckle Pickups, an Axe FX Ultra on the guitar. The rest of was done with an assortment of hocus pocus and black magic (aka Toontrack and Line6 products)

Opinions and critiques always welcome.
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I had no idea what to expect. But I really dig it.

Are you guys able to pull of the vocal effects and programming stuff live?
I had no idea what to expect. But I really dig it.

Are you guys able to pull of the vocal effects and programming stuff live?

Actaully yeah...

If you look at that huge shiny rack in the back corner by the drummer you can see two laptops running in synch to make it happen though. :)

We've got three tracks of backtracks going, and then MIDI controlled patch changes going on the guitar, bass, and a vocal processor. Setting up all this stuff to do it live is a massive head ache, but onces its all programmed in it (almost) never fails and you don't have to think about it again.

Its a great feeling when you've got automated gates going on the guitar so you can't fuck it up. It helps a ton with keeping us sounding tight live too when your moving around a ton too. But we've reached that point after literally YEARS of experimentation and failure.
ya know, i love! It rocks, it grooves, it's catchy, and it's straight forward in your face while continuously keeping your interest, and i think that's really refreshing to get something like this...great stuff dude! :kickass:

**still got my PRS CE-22, was thinkin of switching out the emg's for some nailbombs for a while now...or pain killers. Anyway, love the socks! :headbang:
very cool dude. im usually not a fan of mixing electro into metal but this works really well. im thinking cause it kinda sounds like darker electronica, where as others are like video game sounds lol

You guys remind me of:

Minus the gay make up.

Hah, just opened up for them about two weeks ago. We're all friendly and I know our bassist, Cass, and dro talk semi-freequently.

Dearborn has also had us to his house when we've been on tour before and is a really nice guy though..

As far as for the guys who want to hear more of our stuff, I've got this video demo we did a couple months back of a new song also

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