ZP Theart Left Dragonforce?

Fucking hell! Now there's some news.....although, from some of the things I've heard it's not a complete suprise to me...if in fact it's definitely true......

Yeah...i also noticed that they took out most of zp's pics @ dragonforce website. Also, the front page of their website doesn't even have a pic of him anymore...

Maybe that is one of the reasons they cancelled their 2010 tour. They rarely cancel tours, if anything.

Anyway, how's your band? Hope to see PQ in California one of these days :headbang:
They don't hang around getting those pics down eh? I might try and get hold of ZP and see what went down.

As for us dude......gearing up for the new record now. Lots of new material, recording some demos in a couple of weeks with the album scheduled for July.

I was gutted that we were denied visas for PPUSA last year......playing the US has always been one of my burning ambitions but I haven't given up on getting PQ over there just yet :)
Woah. Mental stuff. It's a little confusing to say the least. Don't know how fair it is to remove all mention of him, would like to know the real reasons behind him leaving - "insurmountable differences of musical opinion"....perhaps he asked for them to slow down :D

Also..."album scheduled for July" Weyhey! A date!
They don't hang around getting those pics down eh? I might try and get hold of ZP and see what went down.

As for us dude......gearing up for the new record now. Lots of new material, recording some demos in a couple of weeks with the album scheduled for July.

I was gutted that we were denied visas for PPUSA last year......playing the US has always been one of my burning ambitions but I haven't given up on getting PQ over there just yet :)

hope you guys get a us visa one of these days! and goodluck with the demo.

and yes, ZP officially left dragonforce. The article is in their website and there's a link for people who want to audition.


they were supposed to record sometime this year too...wonder how that will go now after this news.
Oh wow...thats gonna work up a storm of auditions for sure!

I guess they're wanting to move on fast, perhaps cos they have contractual deadlines for the new album?
Was a bit shocked to see this news. Maybe he said to the guys 'We should try a different direction with this album - lets go Power Pop' :lol: i think it's really weird how both PQ and Df lost their singers at the start of their 5th albums
Spoke to my mate at work and his reaction was - so long as the two guitarists are there and they keep the fans blowiing their hair on stage i don't really care who the singer is :lol:
it's going to be really weird seeing DF without Zp
You remember the way some of us reacted to Alessio leaving Power Quest?

Yea, that's me right now. "Game over, man." Dragonforce isn't Dragonforce without ZP.

Maybe ZP shared the opinion of myself and some of the other fans who don't want the band turning into some cyber-metal electronic horse shit.
Dragonforce haven't really been good or innovative since Sonic Firestorm, so ZP's leaving does not really bug me from a musical perspective. I doubt they're going to change their sound much, they seem very happy in their current niche and have been very successful with it.

Live, however, I now have no interest in seeing them. I'm glad I got to see them enough times with Zippy (including seeing them play Where Dragons Rule on the last tour), cos no matter how good the new vocalist is, the old tracks just won't be the same live if it isn't Zippo singing them.
NOOOOOOOO DAMN THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!! ZP Theart is a great singer! it just wont be the same! awwwww man!!!! where is he gonna go? he could join PQ! XD, well the whole band is about the guitars maybe he got tired of being treated like he wasn't an equal member of the band. idk. man that sucks! if they don't get a damn good singer i am gonna be PISSED OFF! i LOVE dragonforce!.... DAMN IT!
This news certainly took me by surprise when I first read it this morning (yesterday morning I guess I should say now!). It's a shame because ZP is a great vocalist but it'll be interesting to see who Dragonforce get as a replacement and what projects ZP may get involved with in the future.

Would be interesting if they managed to get Alessio as the replacement...
looks like musical differences

Dragonforce have surprised everyone by announcing the departure of vocalist ZP Theart.

This is apparently due to ‘insurmountable musical differences’ as the band start to write songs for their fifth album.

The search is already on for a replacement. Says guitarist Herman Li: “We are looking for a powerful, melodic singer to write a new chapter of Dragonforce with us.”
Y'know, despite DF being one of my favorite bands, this doesn't crush me. ZP always struck be as a thoroughly adequate singer, and a great guy, but nothing truly special.

Now I can't wait to hear what DF sounds like with a different set of pipes at the lead. I'm actually kind of excited. Singer changes are the most notable shifts in a band's sound, and this'll keep fresh a band that so many people say is going stale.

But yeah, Steve, if you can find out if ZP wanted them to slow down and they threw him out for that, I'd be amused. ^^

(P.S.: As I saw suggested on Blabbermouth: get Ripper Owens, then dump him after 3 years for ZP again! :lol:)
Ripper's like the whore of metal, just passed around from one band to another and booted out in terrible ways
looks like musical differences

Dragonforce have surprised everyone by announcing the departure of vocalist ZP Theart.

This is apparently due to ‘insurmountable musical differences’ as the band start to write songs for their fifth album.

The search is already on for a replacement. Says guitarist Herman Li: “We are looking for a powerful, melodic singer to write a new chapter of Dragonforce with us.”
I read Blabbermouth, Steve ;)