Zy-klon Ae-on!!! Zy-klon Ae-on!!!


May 26, 2002
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It has to be said, I'm incredibly surprised at how much I like the new Zyklon material.I was never a fan of the first album because I didn't care for the riffs and Trym went a bit spastic with the blastbeats, but the new song just rawks!There's more groove and, in my opinion, the songwriting has apparently improved ten fold.
The chanting part at the end of Zyklon Aeon is fucking great.
Bah. I was completely bored with it halfway through the first listen, which is a HUGE fucking disappointment. This was the album I was anticipating the most this year (behind APC's "Thirteen"). Hell, "World ov Worms" was undoubtedly one of my favorite metal albums of all time.
that solo section was sorta boring. drawn out chords gets boring, like black metal! but that slayeresque riff at the end was cool, sorta random, but they tied it in well i think
Sonicarnal Artist said:
Bah. I was completely bored with it halfway through the first listen, which is a HUGE fucking disappointment. This was the album I was anticipating the most this year (behind APC's "Thirteen"). Hell, "World ov Worms" was undoubtedly one of my favorite metal albums of all time.

I guess you're about the only other dude who is (rightfully) very disappointed with the new Zyklon.

There was a thread on the Opef forums and practically everyone except Hopkins was raving about it.... :err:

I mean, ok....the riffs are good (just used a bit too repetitively) and the 'atmosphere' is ok (although not as accomplished as World).......but......I mean, I'm still having trouble believing the drumming on this thing.

Double bass - constant, moderately fast.
Snare and cymbals - slow, alternate hits.

Very few fills, almost no blastbeats.


Is anyone else having trouble beleiving that this is actually TRYM on Aeon??? What the hell happened?!?!

Ahh...You see, everyone on this thread who complained about it being a bit more "relaxed" on the drums, that's exactly why I like it.
As I mentioned in my initial post, I just think it grooves alot more when compared to the constant blitzkrieg of the first album.
The Wanderer said:
I have to admit that I'm not too impressed with the new songs i've heard. But i'll wait to hear the whole album before writing it off. it's not as intense and the production is weak. the only thing better are the vocals.

really man? i thought the vocals were really weak and airy.
genocide roach said:
really man? i thought the vocals were really weak and airy.

Heh, this is my only other real gripe with Aeon. I can understand why some people like direction of the new drumming, and that's cool, but other than the fact that I prefer Trym's more eclectic efforts, doesn't anyone else just find the drums on Aeon boring??? Every track has practically the same drumming and rhythm, and there's nothing there that distinguishes itself. Hell, I could play Trym's part on Aeon if I had a little more leg fitness/technique! (and a drumkit =)

Ok but well, yeah, whatever floats yer boat. The vocals, I also liked Daemon better, but not only that, the effects on the first album's vocals added that extra atmospheric finesse that completed the overall sound of futuristic bleakness. I find that edge distinctly missing on Aeon unfortunately. The clean vocals....hmmmm, well, they sound pretty amatuerish, but they're not bad really because it seems to fit in well with the music.

I'd still rather have the vocal effects over half-assed attempts at clean singing anyday though.