Zyklon - World ov Worms

its great. kind of a techno death at some points. they never really mix the two though. usually electronic type stuff is used at the beggining or end of songs. Its really cool though. i would also say its more closer to death then black metal.
I love Zyklon, too. I woudn't really call them 'death'. More blackened death that a previous poster said.

Like a very pissed off Emperor who can't find the keyboard...
Originally posted by requiem
I love Zyklon, too. I woudn't really call them 'death'. More blackened death that a previous poster said.

Like a very pissed off Emperor who can't find the keyboard...
couldnt of described it better myself
its a mad cd i love it, its definatly one to add to the collection
yeah, totally fucking insaine.
Nice production, I think the vox are good too. There is some appropriate lead work at some points
I still reckon it's more blackmetal than anything, but it fits into that category of "modern" black metal. In that it's not as stagnant as early blakmetal... The songs sound fuller, more textured and vibrant because bands are employing death metal guitar techniques, and distortion sounds.. and then blending those with the ambition to still keep the evil, and dark minor key atmosphere that was so unmistakably attributed to the early blackmetal movement.
Also along with the tag "modern" blackmetal goes a "modern" high quality production. Which again, we all know was not the most noticeable or stand out quality when refering to early blackmetal.
But in short, "world ov worms" kicks ass. I like it just as much as Emperor. I won't say it's better cause it aint. I listen to the two for entirely different reasons to one another.