Gamers Thread

They're the same damned US style RPG that has been put out hundreds of times through out the years, with nothing more to add but better graphics, and bigger size (which is funny and not true all the time because the amount of space to go about in Daggerfall is about the size of the UK, whereas Oblivion is only 16 miles big)
They're the same damned US style RPG that has been put out hundreds of times through out the years, with nothing more to add but better graphics, and bigger size (which is funny and not true all the time because the amount of space to go about in Daggerfall is about the size of the UK, whereas Oblivion is only 16 miles big)

That is all true, and they are points I've argued myself many times, but you have to appreciate that if they wanted to make a Arena/Daggerfall sized game with the detail of Oblivion, It could honestly take 10+ years unless they had like 300 + people on their team that were very well coordinated with each others efforts.
I'm really really really biased against those types of games, but Crackdown. Crackdown is so much better than any GTA games, similar and in everyway superior.
That is one fine list of fighting games. Alpha 3 shits on 3rd strike.

Alpha 3 seems like a good game but it just plays so weird compared to previous SFs i cant get into it. the dominance of v-ism combos/crouch cancel infinites at high levels is silly too:

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That is all true, and they are points I've argued myself many times, but you have to appreciate that if they wanted to make a Arena/Daggerfall sized game with the detail of Oblivion, It could honestly take 10+ years unless they had like 300 + people on their team that were very well coordinated with each others efforts.

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl took forever, and look - it turned out amazing. Take more time to make a better game, and I'll be happy. That doesn't change that most if not ALL US RPGS are the same concept done over and over and over (sure jRPGs are similar in that respect, but there is at least some innovation.)
I used to play a lot of the good ol' RPGs, like FF series, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Zelda and so on. It is a very unrewarding medium, when it all comes down to it, though, and lately, no game has held my attention for more than mere weeks...
are you fucking kidding me?

crackdown is nothing more than a 3rd or 4th grade rippoff of GTA on the next gen console. That game is shit compared to GTA

scarface is alright but is still far too small, repetitive and flawed to even be in the same discussion as GTA

the next GTA is going to blow both of these games out of the water...
crackdown lasted me about a week, GTA lasts me a year

and even that week wasn't nearly as enjoyable as any week of GTA

not to mention GTA is directly responsible for the existence of crackdown, what next? you are going to claim a power metal band that has released 2 albums is better than iron maiden? :rolleyes:

I have bought all 3 games in the first week they were released and played them probably a combined 400-600 hours

holy crap, I think that's like 24 days I have spent playing a videogame :erk:
Alpha 3 seems like a good game but it just plays so weird compared to previous SFs i cant get into it. the dominance of v-ism combos/crouch cancel infinites at high levels is silly too:

Interesting.... we try to limit the hopping jab in the air combos to 3 hits around here. Lol.
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