Lady Gaga

I like Muffins....

... but I don't like you.

Oh that's alright, I think you're a cunt anyways :p

┼Victim of the Night┼;8759857 said:
Muffin didn't mean anything bad, he was only joking, I'm sure.

Normally I would be joking, but this time not so much. Vikk clearly stated "I don't doubt she knows how to sing", and this turd-nugget appears to completely miss this and read it the other way around.
I have a ton of respect for her for having the balls (no pun intended) to do what she does in the pop music industry, which generally seems to put out the same carbon copy pop star. I'm personally not a huge fan of her music (I like her songs but not enough to listen to them alone) but I can definitely see why people are.
Normally I would be joking, but this time not so much. Vikk clearly stated "I don't doubt she knows how to sing", and this turd-nugget appears to completely miss this and read it the other way around.
I know what you mean, as soon as I read his post I got he misread, but I just wanted to be the "mod" of the situation for I didn't want you two to insult each other, sorry... :)
┼Victim of the Night┼;8759880 said:
I know what you mean, as soon as I read his post I got he misread, but I just wanted to be the "mod" of the situation for I didn't want you two to insult each other, sorry... :)

It's ok. I don't like him and he don't like me. Nothing more.
┼Victim of the Night┼;8759880 said:
I know what you mean, as soon as I read his post I got he misread, but I just wanted to be the "mod" of the situation for I didn't want you two to insult each other, sorry... :)

Aah, you should be mod of this place really :lol: Sorely needs a mod tbh.

It's ok. I don't like him and he don't like me. Nothing more.

Yup! Spot on really.
I'm not a huge fan but I don't know I just like her. What really got me into her music was her voice. Her voice can sound very different depending on the song, not because it's overproduced but because she has that kind of "flexible" voice, kinda rocky. I think people say she's great singer because it's not that common in the Pop music industry. But I won't say she's the best singer out there. I like how she sings she doesn't do much like some RnB singer.
I like some of her music and lyrics. It's a combination of a "euro-pop-dance" and an american production. I'm not sure if that was her original idea tough. Let's see if she'll last.
But it's a good product. The only critic I can make is that because of her every other Pop and RnB singers are turning into sluts just to look and sound like her...
Now, everyone has the right to enjoy whatever kind of music they want, but what I think a lot of people forget -especially metalheads- is that music is just as much about entertainment as it is about art.
^ Oh yeah, and the people making pop music definitely do it for the artistic value :lol: Gimme a break.
^ Oh yeah, and the people making pop music definitely do it for the artistic value :lol: Gimme a break.

I like one of her songs. Haven't really listened to her other songs lol.
It would be really fun to see her live though.
Seems like one hell of a performer.