Name some Dual Rectifier Productions...


Jan 31, 2007
Hey Guys - Can some of you name some albums with Dual Rectifier tones on them. I need some references for comparison. (some stuff in D-standard and E-standard would be a plus, as well.)

Might be mistaken but Kreator was using them for a while back in the early 90's, they used them on the Renewal tour when i saw them in 92. Now I think they use 5150s.
dream theater - train of thought (c std, d std, eb std)
dream theater - octavarium (e std, d std)

linkin park - hybrid theory and meteora (pretty much all dropped d)
limp bizkit - significant other (whacky tunings)
creed - bunch of earlier albums
I believe train of thought was road king and octavarium mark iv and lone star.

road king is a dual rectifier with an extra clean channel and 2 extra tubes if you want to use them.

octavarium was all road king also and lone star for cleans.

systematic chaos was jp return to mark series amps like the last few dt albums.

another good example of pure dual rectifier tone (this is legit dual recto not road king) is "the glass prison" from six degrees of inner turbulence
Testament's 'The Gathering' is one of the only recorded Recto tones I've liked. It's love or hate though... I've had clients who absolutely loathe the sound of the guitars on that record. That's Triple Rect, though.
for this thread, can we all just at least argue for convenience sake that all variations of rectifiers (notwithstanding chronological versions, ie pre 500, etc.) sound pretty much almost the same. especially the dual and triple and the offsets like roadkings and roadsters.

there is oh such a small difference that you would have the same thing in two same consecutive serial dual rectos. this doesn't include things like saturation points and headroom because clearly a triple rectifier has more headroom and overall juice than a dual or single, but at the core they have the same heart and distortion sound so their variances tone wise especially in a controlled environment like a recording studio they get very very very close to each other.
Truth is you can't judge an amp based on recordings. There are too many factors that define a guitar sound.