Stimulus Package - What Will You Buy?


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
In May, the economic stimulus package will grant $600 to every citizen over 18 in the country, to my knowledge. The government intends for us all to spend that money and thus stimulate the economy.

So what are we all going to buy with this cash? If you say you're going to invest or save it, then you're defeating the purpose of this initiative.

Personally, I'd rather invest it towards a car or other future expenses, but since I'm encouraged to spend it much earlier than that, I think I'll just put it towards more CD's. That's all I really spend money on these days.
well, i was planning on getting another tattoo before i knew about the rebate. so i imagine some of the money will go towards it. but i dont really have anything else in mind.

my brain doesnt think "hey, ive got 600 bucks, lets find somthing thats worth that much and get it". most of what i want requires alot more money, like another guitar
My Dad told me that you had to clear 3000 dollars of income in the past year to receive it. Either way I doubt I'll spend anything extra at this point. All I buy is food, movie tickets and CDs anyway. I'll add it to my nest egg and hopefully I'll have some money after college to help with debts/car/rent.
I should do more research on this rebate, but you're saying that you have to have minimum annual income to receive the money? I guess that makes sense, since giving it to all the poor and unemployed will boost the drug market more than the legal economy.
While I think your reasoning is flawed, I believe I am correct. I just looked it up on the New York Times and you get 300 dollars if you pay less than that in income taxes, but you still need an income. The only incomeless people who get a check are people on social security and disabled veterans. The maximum for individuals is $600.
Well no you didn't, I just assumed you felt the opposite of Ack, which is a logical fallacy. Apologies.

I do think a raise in taxes coinciding with a cut in funding (defense!) would do the country good, although waiting until this recession passes might help.
Well no you didn't, I just assumed you felt the opposite of Ack, which is a logical fallacy. Apologies.

I do think a raise in taxes coinciding with a cut in funding (defense!) would do the country good, although waiting until this recession passes might help.

Cutting spending in everything is a better option than raising taxes.
I guess I won't be getting anything, since I didn't hold a proper job this year (I made money but was never technically employed). If I did, though, I suppose that I, like many here, would spend a small chunk of it on CDs and maybe some clothes. Other than that, I suppose I'd give much of it to my parents; because they cover pretty much all of my real expenses, and I would like to give back to them at least a little bit.