The Car Thread

'04 Subaru WRX "Sport wagon". It's a practical little car with a little bit extra for fun. All wheel drive, very high crash test ratings, accellerates like a mofo and came with some nice options. It handles great and is really fun to drive.

These pics are about six months ago right before I bought it.




i am caught in the middle of a car argument/trade. recently my father got an offer to either keep his car now or trade for a show car. A couple problems with the car he was offered is that it isnt really driveable and it is just for show, it has a couple part of the engine missing, and money will need to be put into it just to get it restored and running. However, i think its beautiful and am caught in the middle of having to choose what to do? Trade or not to trade? Its such a hard decision i was just wondering whether anyone had any input?

A couple shots of the car we have now that were recently taken for Mopar Enthusiast Magazine:



The new car that he was offered to trade for:



what should i decide?