Blind Guardian


May 6, 2004
O.k. I just found out that Blind Guardian is playing Chicago --Great news!!!!
Bad news is that they are playing here on Thanksgiving. I'm still going though-Hell!! It's BLIND GUARDIAN!!

Leaves Eyes is opening for them. Can anyone give me the lowdown on them? Are they worth checking out or not?
I'm going to the San Francisco show. Like yourself, I know nothing about Leaves I checked out their Myspace....and frankly? Pretty lame I thought. They are part of the whole female-lead-vocalist-out-on-a-grassy-hill-in-Ireland movement that seems to be coming up as a genre. If that's too vague, just imagine goth meets renaissance festival meets faux metal and you'll get an idea. There are some fine enough examples of that genre happening, but from what I could tell, Leaves Eyes ain't one of 'em. They are kind of generic and nothing special. Sort of like a reeeeeeally low grade Dead Can Dance means Trans Siberian Orchestra or something. Not my cup of tea. Sort of a "more metal" Evanesense.

Here's a link to the myspace.
Way to go man. Just skip LE and go like crazy for BG. Their last album has grown on me but still I consider it the weakest of the collection, nevertheless I will love to see them live.

Enjoy a lot!