Iron Maiden in NJ/Philly (some spoilers)


Black Belt in Sarcasm
May 2, 2002
Visit site
(copied from the ProgPower board)

Just home from the show:

* The set list was exactly the same as Hartford - the entire new album, plus 5 older songs.

* The band put on a heck of a show - they are still Maiden, after all.

* The new album is great, but there was definitely a lull halfway through. People were enjoying it, but when the album finished and Fear of the Dark started playing, the entire crowd came alive.

* Dickinson didn't say a word (other than singing) through the first 4 songs. We didn't get a "Scream for me, Philadelphia" until the last song before the encore.

* Dickinson can still sing. He might not be the same singer he was 20 years ago, but he still has a great voice.

* Someone on the boards once termed Janick Gers a "prancing unicorn". It still cracks me up. The other members are all making metal poses, and he's doing the leprechaun jig.

* We didn't get the giant inflatable tank. Bruce said there was an electrical problem. Man, that sucks.

* We still got Eddie!

* I can't wait for the Powerslave tour.

Steve in Philly
DarkOne said:
* The set list was exactly the same as Hartford - the entire new album, plus 5 older songs.

This is standard Iron Maiden modus operandi - they put on the same show in the United States for the entire tour every night and never deviate from the set list. :rolleyes:
pretty much the same as here in boston, but brucie said a lot more, plus we got the big tank during "iron maiden"

UP THE IRONS! :kickass: