Old Symphony X Bach BWV 1052 concerto recording...

BWV 1052 is one of my favorites by Bach. A most elegant and excellent concerto.

I'm sure Romeo has many of such cool recordings, old and new. Would be nice if he released some of them. The Dark Chapter II would be way better though. C'mon Mike, do it! :D
BWV 1052 is one of my favorites by Bach. A most elegant and excellent concerto.

I'm sure Romeo has many of such cool recordings, old and new. Would be nice if he released some of them. The Dark Chapter II would be way better though. C'mon Mike, do it! :D

I agree. plus if we can get a book written by Him, that will be huge.
Even though those two gentlemen could probably play this, the style and phrasing is in my ears classic Romeo. Check out that part at 4:13 again.

My best guess is a left-over tack from The Dark Chapter.
I still can't say one way or the other, but upon listening to it once again, I would lean towards early Romeo... Love the clip though. Thanks for bringing up this classic post!
My dog barking in the night is better than Petrucci.

????? Please.

btw Romeo is better than Petrucci.

I don't know if MJR is better than Petrucci or not, but these days I prefer MJR. About 5 years ago I saw Petrucci as part of G3 with Paul Gilbert and Satriani. Petrucci's set was excellent. To see him play non DT material was quite enjoyable. He mostly played tracks from his Suspended Animation CD and Portnoy was on drums. I would love to see MJR with G3. Maybe with Steve Vai and Satriani.
Very interesting vintage record- guitars sounding in violin-style....polyphonic forms...own phrasing.... realy free-playing.......the best