ProgPower USA XI Picture Thread

I must say...I really like these....a LOT...


Here's a few from Illusion Suite and Seventh Wonder. I bought my first DSLR over the Summer and being able to bring it to Prog Power was amazing. Please post a comment here, on my flickr account, or send me a pm if you have any comments or tips. I'll continue updating my flickr account as I have time to go through PP photos and will post here again once I have a few more bands up.

Some of mine turned out ok, but no where near as good as the main 2 on here. I'll put up some favorites in the next few days when i'm done editing them, but this is probably the favorite of them all... I had to crop it a lot cause I had to take it quickly to capture the moment ;)

I have pictures of Zac and Marco in my bus, kids think Zac is Ozzy and one dude though Marco was (?) George Thoroughgood...I'm like uh, no.

Love them Tarot pix Esa...great shots
None of my pictures are anywhere near as nice as the others in this thread. I just had a little Sony CyberShot. I got better photos with it than I would have if I'd had my point-and-shoot film camera, but still, not all that fabulous. Anyway, here are the best of the ones I was able to capture:



Seventh Wonder





More to come of other bands.