With Extreme Prejiduce


Jan 7, 2007
So, Boris has informed me that he would be interested in drumming. Mikey, Luis, you guys still down? We should get together and bang out a few songs! I think I still have some of those lyrics that I wrote a year or so ago!
Louis, you'll have to talk to Dave about the screaming DVD but I don't see why he wouldn't let you borrow it.

Vince, what do you think about a group photo where we are all holding our favorite bottle of booze for the myspace (i call jack daniels).

Everyone, what's your availability looking like, and do we have a place to jam? We can rock at the apt, but only acoustic and the drums have to be padded so I'd rather find a better spot.

Through mid June my availability is quite limited. I can make plans for weekends (Friday night after 6:30 through Sunday night) but that's about it.
We should book some time at RPM on Deleware Ave! That place is not too pricey and they provide a lot of the equipment!
so yea what exactly is the first step? im assuming boris is drumming, vince bass, mike guitar and luis will sing... and that sorta leaves me. I *can* play a guitar... but im not any good... lol not to mention i havent touched the thing in forever. I guess rhythm guitar.. and I cant write music to save my life. so... yea...
Jack, you can sing too. Plus your lyrical inspiration will probably be priceless.

Otherwise your line up predictions were correct.
we can always use a skin flute player ;)..

Vinny can you post some info about the studio or point in the direction of where I can find it?
-what equipment we have to bring (I can bring my cymbals/stands)

Is the plan to go into the studio and see where inspiration brings us or does somebody have a game plan?

So what's everybody's availibility like? Do you guys want to get together this Fri. to figure out logistics? If not, can we get together before or after the fury show this sat?
I'm good for either of those times I guess.

RPM has amps and drums and PAs. Price, I'm not sure.
sweet. I can defiantly scream into a mic. I can recycle some CCLL lyrics. Some of lyrics would be appropriate. Mainly the song about emo chicks.

also if you guys want I can do rhythm guitar. The only thing is Ive never played guitar with a band/with another guitarist. It would really boil down to if Mike is patient enough to deal with me on rhythm really.
I can do it, it just has to be a little later. I work till 3 and will probably wanna grab a power nap at home
We're gonna be the biggest thing since sliced bread. And sliced bread was the biggest thing since Pelvic Fury!
*cough* any one have a hand me down guitar they wanna sell me. Im so sick of this fucking epiphone. I was down tuning to D and 3 strings broke. fucking 3 lol. I hate floyd Roses -_-