Your wedding set list.


Creepiness Och Terrorism
Jun 10, 2008
Psychedelic Planet
I was trying to imagine how my wedding day would be. And I was thinking about what kinda music should be played? Coz here, people just play some fucking bad music dance and bla bla which i don't like at all. any set list prefered for ur wedding(s) guys?

I think i should put on Vader or Bloodbath, so most of em would leave.
And then put some Opeth and Pink Floyd or anything else beautiful :headbang:
you seriously would put vader on? during a wedding?

lol i wouldnt put vader on EVER

id love to have joe pass playing during my wedding, would be a great mood
I was trying to imagine how my wedding day would be. And I was thinking about what kinda music should be played? Coz here, people just play some fucking bad music dance and bla bla which i don't like at all. any set list prefered for ur wedding(s) guys?

I think i should put on Vader or Bloodbath, so most of em would leave.
And then put some Opeth and Pink Floyd or anything else beautiful :headbang:

Some Coltrane for the dinner.

Tchaikovsky's Flower waltz for the first dance - what a beautiful piece of music, and blows that overplayed and lame Blue Danube shit out of the water.

80's dance/party music for the dancing. Simple Minds, A-Ha, black and wide-nosed Michael Jackson, the works.

That's how my wedding went, and it was beyond awesome.

(the open bar helped, too - if I hadn't sweated most of the alcohol dancing I'd probably passed out in an rum-flavored haze...)
Leave it to you two to say that :p

Me personally, I've been listening to Tombs alot, I'd probably put them on along with OSI. I dunno who mentioned Tombs in the "Best Albums of 2009" thread but thanks :D
Man, come on! Would you play br00tal metal to your parents uncles grandparents?!

I would laugh to death if I see a wedding with that in Turkey :lol:

I would play traditional stuff EXCLUSIVELY of course..
No music

Who needs music to make their wedding seem like it is not as lame as it is.

If I wanted music for my wedding these are some random songs I might choose:

Ewigkeit - The fall of christendom
The Meads of Asphodel - The Man Who Killed for God
Thy Serpent - Parasites
Infestdead - Save me from the hands of christ
Fall of Empyrean - The Fallen ways of god

But seriously, I would probably play Avrigus - 'Til' Death Do Us Unite' and the whole 'Secret Kingdom' album.
the only way any of you slobs will ever get married is via russian catalog or maybe chloroform and a lot of death threats
I would have Arasmas pick all of the music for me, but I wouldn't invite him to the wedding.

I can guarantee you he'd be nothing like how he behaves here.

P.S. Did anyone ever notice how Arasmas and Windows Sulk both type the same, are both dicks, and rarely have anything interesting to say? They must both belong to the same club.
in your seething envy for how great arasmas and I are you've overlooked our differences. unlike me, he's going bald at 24, lives in a communist country, likes dream theater, and has a very small penis