ZP Theart and Dragonforce part ways

I always liked his voice to be honest.
I think he did a good job live too.
Love em or hate em, I think DF are a blast live.

Well, with Ellefson going back to Megadeth, Ripper might just get a call!!!
I always liked his voice to be honest.
I think he did a good job live too.
Love em or hate em, I think DF are a blast live.

Well, with Ellefson going back to Megadeth, Ripper might just get a call!!!

NO!!!!!!! His voice is way too strong for them. I would lose a lot of respect for him if he joined.
NO!!!!!!! His voice is way too strong for them. I would lose a lot of respect for him if he joined.

How can anyone lose respect for Ripper?
I mean, he is a good vocalist, but his career has been that of a hired gun.

I seriously doubt its the type of band he would join, but I mean, does anyone really go, "Damn, that Ripper is the best vocalist ever. I have TONS of respect for what he has done"

At least Blaze has worked hard to make a name for himself beyond Maiden.

Ripper certainly has not.
This is terrible news to me. ZP was an integral part of Dragonforce's sound. He had really good melodic chops and did do a good job live.
Might as well declare this the death of the band as far as I'm concerned.
R.I.P. Dragonforce.
Two possible scenarios:

1) they'll end up with some old fart who has a name and will keep the power metal fans happy (Michael Kiske or someone like that)

2) they'll get a young kid who can do both the clean voice and the screamo voice ... just to make them appeal even more to the young kids. So instead of sounding like Blind Guardian/Helloween on speed, they'll end up sounding like Trivium on speed.

2) they'll get a young kid who can do both the clean voice and the screamo voice ... just to make them appeal even more to the young kids. So instead of sounding like Blind Guardian/Helloween on speed, they'll end up sounding like Trivium on speed.


Oh Dear God that will be terrible.
Honestly, I could care less what happens to Dragonforce. With that said, I'm going with Claus' option two. I believe it would be to their best interest to get someone that fits the "Trivium" mold. I think Kiske or Ripper stands as good as chance as I do joining the band. Why would a bunch of kids get an old guy to sing?

How can anyone lose respect for Ripper?
I mean, he is a good vocalist, but his career has been that of a hired gun.

I seriously doubt its the type of band he would join, but I mean, does anyone really go, "Damn, that Ripper is the best vocalist ever. I have TONS of respect for what he has done"

At least Blaze has worked hard to make a name for himself beyond Maiden.

Ripper certainly has not.

Actually if you're talking vocalist, as in not songwriter, I would say right now he's one of the top 10 vocalists around. But yes, the hired gun thing is true about his career.

Blaze can at least write some decent tunes. Ripper is not a good songwriter, but I just wish he could stay put in a band. I just don't think Dragonforce is the right band for him and vice versa. I probably went a little too far when I said I'd lose respect for him. :lol:

Two possible scenarios:

1) they'll end up with some old fart who has a name and will keep the power metal fans happy (Michael Kiske or someone like that)

2) they'll get a young kid who can do both the clean voice and the screamo voice ... just to make them appeal even more to the young kids. So instead of sounding like Blind Guardian/Helloween on speed, they'll end up sounding like Trivium on speed.


Well, Michael Kiske will never do that. We know his feeling on heavy metal, and I think the only reason he does the occasional guest for Gamma Ray and Avantasia is simply that, it's a guest job. He's also been pretty outspoken in not caring for the "immoral themes" of heavy metal, which both don't seem to be a part of. Granted, Dragonforce doesn't either but they're massive partiers and no way would he want part of that.

As for your second option. I doubt it, but it wouldn't completely surprise me either. I just don't think they want to completely rehaul their sound.

Admit it.. it would be a hellofa lot better than his 2 solo efforts.

I actually liked Beyond Fear. Some good, heavy tunes on that. His recent solo disc was pretty awful though. As I've said. Great singer. Awful songwriter, though like I said, I thought the Beyond Fear stuff was decent for what it was.